Chapter 37:the chimera

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*at city*

Indrex:any idea where we can go for shopping

Bira:my dad told me that his company mall is the best...maybe we can go there

*so they went to the Wilson shopping kitchen section*

Indrex:*look at oven and microwave*hope I've can own these in dorm


Looga and Viso:*riding on shopping trolley*OwO

Pulsey:*put spaghetti into the trolley*

Numemon:*went towards bathroom section with Sukamon until heard scream*?

Indrex:what was that?!

*so they find source of the scream until found woman seeing her husband and her Demi-Beast friend murdered*

Indrex:*look at dead deer Demi-Beast*oh god

Bira:*look at it*hey!

Chimera Demi-Beast:*run away*

Indrex:*chase it*leave the rest to police!

Bira:wait up!..*follow him*

*at the chase*

Chimera Demi-Beast:*still running while tossing everything to slow them down*

Few Demi-Beasts:*mad at him for pushing their human friend*💢

*at exit*

Chimera Demi-Beast:*caught by Indrex*ugh!

Indrex:why you doing this?!

Chimera:*snapped and suddenly frightened*aaaah!!

Indrex:tell me!..or else-*pulled by Bira*

Bira:please!..he is not remembering anything!

Indrex:but he-

Takuya:*put a handcuff*he can explain it


Indrex:*heard from someone*huh?

Crow Demi-Beast:not only chimera but also man-made Demi-Beast


Many peoples and Demi-Beasts:*suspecting Indrex and the chimera Demi-Beast as they look different than themselves*

*at Zabaki lab*

Maria:is he were here?


Maria:let's go

Blizoro:wait...what about Bira and Indrex

Doka:*look at the desk*uh...guy's..look


*at subterranean area in cave somewhere else in okinawa island*

Many artificial Demi-Beasts and chimera Demi-Beasts:*live in peace*

??:*look at his peoples*status please Joshi

Joshi:the agricultural economy was greatly improved

??:*look at his ministers*

Joshi:Lord Zock..any idea where we started

Zock:*look at photo of his adoptive family*..maintaining protection

*at interrogation room*

Chimera Demi-Beast:when I've was look around..I've was sort of trance


Bira:same happened to my cousin when he also victim of trance but no one know where it came from

Pulsey and Viso:*look at each other*

*at public*

Few police officers:*calming them down but fail*

Many peoples and Demi-Beasts:*protesting against chimera Demi-Beast and artificial Demi-Beast*

Indrap:what's matter?

Makito:they were started to discriminate chimera Demi-Beast after incident of that Demi-Beast murder both men and a deer Demi-Beast


*at lab*

Maria:*look around until saw a broken tube chamber that was freshly happened*

Doka:be vigilant...we-

??:*lunging on Maria*


Doka:let her-



*as result...they finally reunited*

Sameki:Gomamon...*look at his Digi-Magi*you knew I've was here


Maria:tell me..what make you ended up here?

Sameki:men named Zabaki told me he will offer me a job but he trick me

Gomamon:so that's what happened

Maria:*got phone call from Reno*hello dad?...what?!

Few of them:??

*at Reno Wildlife park*

Many visitors:*been injured due to many stuffs thrown by angry crowd*


Many angry peoples and Demi-Beasts:*mad at Reno while some of them call them "group  that accept illegal Demi-Beast!"*

Reno:stop it! hurting them!

*at Taiyou clan place*

Many yakuza members:*discussing*

Indrap:*look at TV*..(please be safe)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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