Chapter 16- What actually happend to Ashton

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Ashton's pov

So I know you are all wondering what actually happened to me when I should of died, well I shall tell you before I meet with Zoey once again and she will be mine. If Luke tried to stop me, all hell will break loose I can promise you that.


It all went black, a gunshot had gone off and I went down. Luke. It's always Luke, he's got Zoey when she should of been all mine. Wait why aren't I dead? Luke shot me and I know I'm currently on the floor.

I opened my eyes and there was blood next to me, my blood. Suddenly a sharp pain starting stabbing inside of me. I tried sitting up but I couldn't so I carried on lying on the floor. Luke must of just missed what he was aiming for because I'm not dead. I'm gonna get Zoey back, she's mine and no one else can have her. If she doesn't come with you I'll just have to make sure no one can ever have her.

I'd been lying on the floor for bout 10 minutes holding onto my wound to stop so much blood coming out when the sound of sirens started. This was my chance to get Zoey back, all I needed to do was use the police to find Luke and get my revenge then get Zoey. I could either stay here or get out and leave Luke's gun and my blood would still be on the floor. His fingerprints will be on the gun and Zoey's gag is on the floor, this will frame Luke.

If I drag my body along the floor the blood trail will make it look like he dragged me away. Zoey might get caught in all this but it will help find her, I know they've already started to run cause Luke knows the police wouldn't believe his self defence. I started dragging myself along the floor leaving a blood trail. I got to a side door and managed to stand up, the sound of sirens were louder and were only a couple of minutes away.

I was now running back into town and making sure no one sees me, I knew exactly where to go very soon but not yet. Zoey's mums. Soon the police will go to her and tell her what's happened and the way she is she will ignore the fact she has a daughter. I knew a guy who would work for me and hide me until the time was right. For now everyone thinks I'm dead cause that's what the police will come to.

I arrived at the guys house and I'd stopped bleeding but I need to see to my wound. I knocked on the door and the man answered the door. As soon as he did I shoved past him and towards where the medical cabinet was. I could he had followed me,

"What have you got yourself into now?"

"You know the girl I was telling you about, Zoey. Well she's with Luke and I wanted her cause she's mine so I kidnapped her and Luke came and shot me thinking I was dead"

"You're clearly not"

"Exactly so I'm going to get my revenge on Luke and get Zoey back"

"Sow why you here?"

"I need somewhere to hide, I'm guessing the police will think I'm dead and that's perfect for my plan to succeed"

"What if I don't want to get mixed up in all of this?"

"Oh you will. Otherwise I'll make sure you suffer a long and painful death and you know I'm not lying"

"What do you need me to do?"

"I know you're good with tracking, you're gonna keep an eye on Luke and Zoey and when they settle down in a place you watch every move and report back to me until I tell you to make contact with Zoey"


"You better start packing and get your stash of stolen phones for us to use"

He nodded and walking into his bedroom and I went into the living room, soon I'll go to Zoey's mums when he's gone and put her into my plan as well. I made my way to her house after he had gone making sure nobody saw me. I picked the lock and walked inside, her mum was in the kitchen washing up. She turned around and she looked like a ghost well she does think I'm dead.

"You're meant to be dead"

"And you're meant to have a daughter yet you act like you don't"

"She's the one who did a runner after leaving with that boy who supposedly killed you"

"Would you like to see her?"

"You know where she is?" She asked because Zoey was still her daughter the cold outer was a mask to others around her.

"I want you to deliver a message to Zoey"

"Why should I do anything for you? You could of killed her"

"And I will if you don't do as I say"

"You wouldn't"

"Oh I would, I want her to be mine but I will kill her if you don't do as I say"

"What do you want me to do?"

"When the time is right I will contact you to go to Zoey"

"So you do know where she is"

"Not just yet but when I do you will go to her and act coldly towards her and act as if you don't care. You'll tell her I want to meet her at 9pm wherever she is at the time you're telling her the message. You'll tell her I threatened her life, Luke's and their friends. You clear?"


"Good now you'll act as if you never saw me"

With that I walked out and back towards my hide out, Zoey will be mine and if not she'll be going six feet under.

(End of flashback)

So now you know and I'm going to be meeting with Zoey very soon. I'm not counting on this going smoothly so I'll be going prepared and if needs be both of them will die.

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