Chapter 1

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Blazekit padded away from Briarpaw's group and deeper into the forest.

The triumph she had felt when she saw Dappleleaf collapse in the clearing had ebbed away leaving a worrying panic in its place.

Blazekit, however harmless she might look, had managed to kill Poisonclan's leader, Dappleleaf.

She was born in a place called, 'the fruit group', and Poisonclan had stolen her and her littermates before their eyes were even open.

Blazekit had eventually found out the truth, and when her sister Opalkit had declared she was leaving, Blazekit was more than happy to leave with her.

The fruit group had taken them in, but of course, Poisonclan had to ruin everything. Dappleleaf had sent a patrol to fetch her back. Opalkit, had somehow managed to avoid being taken and stayed with the fruit group.

Blazekit had wanted to leave, to be free of Poisonclan, the clan that lied to her, that betrayed her. Of course, she had always been an ambitious kit, and she wasn't going to just escape without letting Poisonclan know what she was capable of. So Blazekit stole some of Twilightshine's deathberries, and snuck them into Dappleleaf's prey.

Dappleleaf had been keeping some cats prisoner at that time. Sagefeather, Briarpaw, Brackenstep and Fireleap.

Blazekit had felt sorry for the cats, trapped inside Poisonclan like she was and had set them free.

Now she had to admit to herself, she had lied to Sagefeather. Blazekit didn't want to be fussed over like she was a newborn kit and told Sagefeather she knew how to hunt. If she was honest with herslef, she barely knew the hunting crouch, let alone how to catch actual prey!

Maybe I should try find the fruit group? I don't know where they are though..... I need to learn how to hunt, don't see how I'm suppose to though, there's no one to teach me. 

Hunting can't be that hard! I'll just try it and if I can't do it, I guess I'll just to what Sagefeather did when she was younger, poison cats and then steal their prey!

Blazekit lifted her head to scent the air, she could smell damp leaves, a hint of rain, and several herbs nearby. THere was also another smell, one that she recognised from the fresh-kill pile. Mouse.

Blazekit tried to set her paws down lightly as she crept towards the mouse. She was a few tail-lengths from the mouse when she accidently stepped on a twig.

The mouse bolted away into a clump of ferns.

"Mouse dung!" cursed Blazekit.

"Bad luck." A silver she-cat with blue eyes jumped down from a tree.

"Who are you?" growled Blazekit.

"I'm Silverpaw." 

"Are you a warrior then?"

Silverpaw shrugged, "Not really."

"Do you live with a clan?" asked Blazekit. 


"Are you a rogue?"

"Sort of."

Blazekit huffed with annoyance. She started to pad away when Silverpaw blocked her path.

"Come with me." she offered, "It gets lonely around here, I could do with some company."

Blazekit stared at her, "Why would you let me go with you?"

Silverpaw smiled, "I'm not completely heartless like some cats," she muttered something that sounded like 'Pearlkit and Lightkit' under her breath, "think I am."

"I wasn't very close to my littermates," she added, "I never had the perfect bond with them, something tells me I'll end up thinking of you as more of a littermate then any of them. So? What do you say? Will you come with me?"

Blazekit remained silent staring at her.

"I never had a very good bond with my littermates either." she said at last.

Silverpaw laughed, "I'll take that as a yes, come on. And by the way, what's you name?"


"Hmmm, I think we should make that into Blazepaw. Well, hello Blazepaw."

Blazepaw followed Silverpaw as she lead her deeper into the forest.

Rain started falling, but Silverpaw didn;t seem bothered, she lead Blazepaw to a cave where there was somesoft moss on the ground for them to sleep on.

"It's not much of a den." said Silverpaw, "I was planning to build one today, but you came along and I had to improvise."

Blazepaw curled up on the moss and fell asleep and finally let herself fully relax. 

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