Chapter 1 (E)

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Chapter (1);

''Move it, nerd!''

A squeaky female voice shouted and pushed me onto the floor, making me land on my butt. I looked towards the ground, and saw that the books I was holding were now scattered around the floor, along with my loose papers of homework, which were also being kicked around and stepped on by other students who don't care. But of course, it's obviously the populars and jocks that are stepping on them.

Go figure! The floor and I just have an amazing connection, now don't we Tiles? Yup the floor and I are already on a first name basis, that shows how much we get along.

''S-sorry.'' I mumbled reaching out for the closest book to collect from the floor, trying not to get my poor delicate fingers trampled by the herd of animals a.k.a. students. Just as my fingers were reaching the borders of the blasted Literature book, a hot pink stiletto heel kicked it away from my grasp.

I heard other people laugh, not showing any efforts to at least try to hide their laughter. But who wouldn't laugh about picking on the poor Nerd Girl

''Better go get that, before it gets stepped on,'' Mouse-girl mocked me.

I tilted my head upwards and saw the head cheerleader, the school's biggest slut Emma, and her two lost puppies behind her. Emma was chewing a ball of gum the size of her fake busts, closing and opening her jaw like a cow.

Learn how to chew, bimbo!

But of course I didn't say that. Not if I wanted to spend another day picking off nasty spaghetti strips that looked like soggy wet worms, off my hair. Which I didn't.

Still kneeling on the floor, I looked up and felt my stomach making flips worthy to be in the Olympics. Damn these flips, I may just throw up!

Everyone was now in class and I looked at my watch on my wrist, and saw that first period had already started five minutes ago.

I sighed loudly and saw that the three wanna bee's have now gone. But not before swapping saliva with some popular idiots on the lockers twenty feet away from me. I wrinkled my nose in disgust, and pushed up my glasses from the bridge of my nose, all the way up.

I crawled to where my books were and gathered them all on one pile on the floor next to me, I crawled a little forward, and picked up the pieces of paper scattered along the floor, and put them into the same pile as my books. I picked the books up, got up and crushed the books closer to my chest as if they were going to fall onto the ground as well.

I checked my watch, I groaned in frustration. Ten minutes late. I pushed up my glasses again as they were almost falling off. One of the reason's why you should never get bad vision. It's a freaking pain up the number two hole.

I was now walking to my class that I'm supposed to be in, English with Miss Risva. I hated her, she always picks on me for no reason. I hate HATE her, with a burning passion. Its like the only reason she come to teach is to pick on---

''Watch it.'' A deep husky voice warned, almost hissing in my ear.

What the..? I was now on the floor again. Oh my god. Seriously?!

See what I mean? Tiles and I are just like peanut butter and jelly. Soon it will be the dustbin, or a garbage truck.

''Sorry.'' I mumbled, whilst throwing myself on my two feet. I looked up, and saw...Oh shit.

You know that song by Taylor Swift that some call annoying, but you're the awkward one that actually gets up to it on a Saturday morning and sings to it in your underwear around your room, I Knew You Were Trouble?

Yeah well it started playing in my head like a broken record.

"I knew you were trouble when you walked in

So shame on me now I knew you were trouble when you walked in..."

Ethan Linkex.

The school's mysterious bad boy. I swear that boy is also only born to cause trouble. "Detention Detention Detention!" Was the teachers favorite word whenever Ethan's around them.

Ethan was strangely attractive, even though he looked like he never seen a day of the sun. Awfully pale, black eyes, black hair---you know the usual...NOT!. It all made him look dangero-

''Checking me out, are we now?''

Busted. Cried out the wicked little voice in my head.

''N-no.'' I stuttered keeping my head down, and putting my arms around my books causing them to squeeze against my chest.

Pssh, me staring at you!? I think not!

It was more of an eye-rape kind of thing, wicked voice snickered, making me want to hit myself upside the head.

Shut up in there!

I gave him a curt nod that probably said, "Goodbye you piece of sexy walking meat!" and walked off to English, not long before someone caught my right forearm, and yanked me back into a hard cold chest.

What else will I be yanked into?! First the floor, then Ethan's chest...then his chest again. Sigh, I do not like being treated like a rag doll...sheesh!

''Erm...'' I looked around the room keeping my eyes on anything but the gorgeous boy standing in front of me. ''You're...erm...'' He trailed off as if he wanted me to finish his sentence.

Well I can't read your mind, now can I!? How am I supposed to answer your question when I have no idea what to say!

''Name..?'' Ethan asked.

Oh dear...after years of being in the same class, he forgets my name. Okay if that's how it is, I shall now call him Etan. Not Ethan, just Etan. KARMA. I think...okay maybe not karma but it'll help me sleep at night!

''It's Angel,'' I said as I tried to escape his tight grip, I looked down to his hand on my arm and then up at him. Finally he got the idea, and let go of me to rub the back of his neck. ''Well...bye.'' Ethan said as he gave me a slight wave before going the opposite direction as me.

Strange...then again...weren't all teenage boys strange because of their overdrive of hormones...?

I was now in front of my English class, I barged in and only to have all eyes on me. I hated that. Being the centre of attention wasn't one of the great qualities passed down to me in the gene pool That's why I only have one friend. Sasha, she's 17, the same age as me.

''Detention Angel,'' Miss Risva said with confidence, a smirk on her face as she said her first words to me.

See what I mean?! I think she was the Devil's daughter, and she adopted a little fledgling, named Emma.




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