Signs of.. something new (24)

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                                                         ANGEL'S P.O.V -

''Sorry.. I have to go to class!'' I rushed out, as I ran away to the girl toilets. Feeling my stomach twist and turn, making me feel uncomfortable then I knew something was about to happen. I was about to throw up.


I pushed the door open so fast, it hit the wall, the sound echoing into the room. I ran over to the toilet and just in time for my digested food to come out, the disgusting smell hitting my nose,making me gag again. Once I was finished, I flushed the toilet, and walked towards the sink, placing both of my hands on either side of the sink, I turned on the tap whilst looking at my reflection. I had bags underneath my eyes, my eyes were turning into a dull colour, they had no sparkle in them anymore. My hair looked dry, like I haven't washed it in days. 

I washed out my mouth multiple times, and I even swallow some of the tap water to get rid of the gagging taste in my mouth. I washed my face, the cold water hitting my dry skin. I stared at my reflection, then I felt a horrifying pain in my stomach. Like something just moved side to side. I bit my lip from not screaming, but jumped from the movement. 

I couldn't be.. no, that's impossible. We only done it.. Oh no.

I was snapped out of my thoughts, once another uncomfortable feeling was in my stomach, as if something just moved. I placed my hand on my stomach and I felt something moving, as if kicking mostly.

''Ah'' I groaned again. ''Angel.. Angel..?'' A familiar voice says, and then there was a hard knock on  the girls toilets door.

''Y-yes'' I whimpered as I felt something kick yet again. I bent over with the pain. A figure came in my watery eyed vision. ''Whats wrong? I could hear your heartbeat picking up, and I could feel your pain..?'' Ethan's voice was some how comforting, even though he wasn't doing anything but just talking to me. It helped.

''Something is inside of me Ethan.. make it stop'' I closed my eyes tightly as I could feel my self falling to the ground, but two strong arms helped me onto my feet, I had to lean back on Ethan's body, I felt weak. Dizzy, even.

''What is going-'' I couldn't finish my sentence, because soon I blacked out.

''Is she okay?'' A female voice says, I open my tired eyelids, and blink repeatedly. ''Why is it every time she is over here, she is hurt boy!'' I looked around to see Catherine slapping Ethan around the head. He flinched back from her hand, but still got hit. He rubbed the sore part of his head. ''I don't know.. she just blacked out in the girls bathroom.. She said something was inside of her moving -'' Ethan was cut off with another slap on the head, it looked like they didn't know I was awake.

The pain in my stomach was gone, but my throat was dry and I felt like I had just be in the desert doing hair work 24/7.

''Did you use protection!" Catherine shouted as she placed her hands on her hips. ''No'' I said, but so did Ethan. They both snapped there heads to me, and smiles replaced there emotionless faces.

Ethan walked over to me and hugged me  tightly, bringing me off the soft bed of Ethan's and helping me on to my feet. I smiled back at the both of them. ''Angel.. Can I ask you something?'' Catherine asked as she took a step closer to me, she was biting the side of her lip,meaning she was nervous.

I nod my head for her to continue. ''Did you guys.. you know, have sex?'' I blushed from the question, and bit my bottom lip, I cleared my throat nervously and nodded, not making eye contact with her. ''Don't worry, it's not for soul mates to have -'' Ethan cut her off by tapping her back softly. ''Get to the point mum'' He smiled innocently at her, I had the urge to laugh at her reaction.

''I think Angel.. your pregnant..'' Catherine mumbled, and I froze. not knowing what to do, or what to say. ''How..?''I ask mostly to my self though.

''how long has it been?'' She asks as she hugs me tightly. I whisper into her ear, holding onto her tightly. ''A couple of days'' I replied back into her air, we pulled away, but her hands were on my shoulders and she was staring at me, in the eyes.

''let me just .. check something'' She says as she looks at my covered stomach, she brings up the t-shirt up to my ribs, and places her cold hand on my stomach. She closes her eyes tightly, and uses her thumb to rub circle around my tummy. She gasps as she tilts her head back. her mouth slightly apart from shock. ''You are indeed pregnant.'' Catherine says breaking the awkward silence.

''I'm going to be a dad..?''

''I'm going to be a mum?'' Me and Ethan both say at the same time, I look up to him, and waiting for his reaction. he's looking at the ground, he looks like hes in deep thought. I was scared to see his reaction. What if he didn't want to be a father?

Then my heart melted once I saw him smile, showing her pearly white sharp teeth. he looked up to me, and placed his arms around my waist. ''We are going to be parents'' He breathed in my scent, and his grip around my waist tightened, almost taking my breath away.

''Aw.. Cute. I'm going to have grandchildren. Oh my word! I have to inform John about this'' Catherine shouted once she walked out of the room,almost jumping up and down in joy.

''We are going to be parents..'' I whispered as I touched my flat belly.

Soon, I'll be able to see you. Soon.

''yes we are..'' He smiles but then his eyes harden, and his emotion turns into fear and worry. ''Whats wrong?'' I asked a bit shock at his sudden turn in mood. ''Those people.. are after you, they will want the baby as well, You will be 24/7 protection.. I can't lose you, I just can't'' Ethan explained, his eyes turning watery from the thought. ''Hey hey.. You wont. I-i love you'' I pecked him on the lips. I felt his hand go to the back of my head and push my head closer to his face, he crashed his lips onto mine, and once we were out of breath we pulled apart. ''I love you too, I will always love you'' he kissed my nose, then my lips, then my cheek, then my forehead, and he went back to my lips a couple of times.

''Okay.. Okay I get it, you like kissing my sexy face'' I brag as I snap my fingers in his face to get his attention. We both laughed at my comment. ''I'll stay here with you.. if that's okay'' I say nervously, in case he changed his mind. ''Obviously! I'm never leaving you out of my sight'' I frown at his saying. That's gonna be a little annoying, but there's a good part, because then I get to see the one I love the most.

''Shit.. what is Sasha gonna say..'' I mentally slap my self.

She's probably gonna plan me and Ethan's wedding, and our baby prom dress, or suit if its a boy.

''Well knowing Sasha and what she is like.. she will probably start planning the baby prom outfit'' He smirked, I nodded my head in agreement. ''I was just thinking that.''

''I guess we think a like, so when are you moving in?'' Ethan asks, I shake my head and shrug my shoulders. ''I don't know, maybe once my mum leaves, hopefully those people will be gone by the time my mum gets back. '' I say as look him in the eye. ''So probably by tomorrow then? Well you better start getting packed hot stuff' he turns me around and shoves me out of his room, and slaps my ass hard. I jump two steps forward, and rub my sore stingy backside. ''Ethan!'' I whine.

''Yes?'' he asks innocently, as he stares at my ass, once I look behind my shoulder. I roll my eyes at him.

Better start getting packed.


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Is this story going to fast?Please tell me if I'm taking things to fast.. I have an idea for the ending, i'll give you a clue.. 

The ending will mean that there will be a second book*wink wink* Please vote and comment what you think! And check out my werewolf story 'Blue Moon' It's your not so normal werewolf romance story;) Means a lot if you did check it out! Sorry it's short, I just had to get the news that ANGEL IS PREGNANT out already, I was gonna wait till tomorrow, but me being the oh so kind writer, I decided today. 

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