「 22 」

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I wrote this listening to Anywhere But Home by Seulgi and Restless by Bibi if u guys want song inspo for this chap :<sorry to anyone who expected fluff bcz it's the opposite!!✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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I wrote this listening to
Anywhere But Home by Seulgi
and Restless by Bibi if u
guys want song inspo for this chap :<
sorry to anyone who expected fluff
bcz it's the opposite!!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Mingi hummed as he drove away from Yunho's event realizing it was close to his house, would it be weird to go home? Even for a little bit? He thought as he drove aimlessly. It's not like she'd be there. He contemplated and finally, against his judgment, he decided to make a turn and found himself in his old neighborhood.

Mingi parked in the driveway, staring up at his house. I'll just.. look inside for a bit. He got out of the car and walked inside. "Does she even come here?" He muttered to himself taking note of the dust everywhere.

He walked into his room, noting how it hadn't changed since he moved out. Mingi sighed, sitting on the edge of his bed and flopping onto his back, looking up at the posters on his ceiling of different bands and artists.

He checked his phone and saw no new messages from Yunho. It wouldn't hurt to send him a bit of encouragement. Mingi sent the male a sticker and closed his eyes. Not even a minute later he heard the door open and sat up quickly. Mother?

Mingi walked out of his room to see the woman standing there in the kitchen, looking over mail.


She looked up, unphased by his presence, "You're here?" She asked.

"I just.. decided to stop by."

She hummed, turning back to the mail, "Alright."

Mingi stood there, staring at her, "That's it?"

"What do you mean Mingi?"

"Like.. you don't have anything to say? Nothing about my career.. or.. how I look or why I'm in the news?"

"What does that have to do with me?"

Mingi's heart sank as he stood in the kitchen, the weight of years of yearning for acknowledgment bearing down on him and making him feel crushed. He had a little hope, maybe irrationally, that his sudden visit would spark some semblance of interest.

His voice trembled slightly as he tried again, "I just thought... maybe you'd be curious. About how I'm doing."

His mother sighed softly, her eyes flickering with a hint of something Mingi couldn't quite place—disappointment, indifference, or maybe even both. She turned to Mingi, "I can see you're doing fine. There's no need for me to ask."

Mingi had a feeling this was how she'd react, despite the care he'd been longing for. The two stood there in an uncomfortable silence, she turned back to the mail she was looking at, ignoring Mingi completely.

Mingi turned away, feeling the familiar sting of tears in his eyes. He walked towards the door, pausing briefly, "I'll see myself out."

Her response was a noncommittal hum. Mingi left, closing the door softly behind him. The short visit had confirmed what he had known yet craved to deny. The affection he had desired from her would always remain as unreachable as it had been in his childhood.

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