Chapter thirty two

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Mason's pov

There was always a bright light shining through the window pane as I woke up from my sleep which means we must've fallen asleep while watching her favourite collection of movies and now I watched a similar glow of light shining on her face especially when one of my favourite pet names for her was a star because she was smart, intelligent, perceptive, thoughtful, talented, beautiful, lightness in all of her glory destroy my darkest moments.

Damn, my darling songbird had set me free from my inner demons. Also my heart kept yearning for her like every single day of my life.

Here I was admiring her from up close until my phone rang, I had a feeling it might be; my court lawyer, Asher or maybe Wyatt who was bugging me about how Tellonavos or learned crazy new dance moves but neither way, I picked my phone seeing Mr Larsen, my family Lawyer names appeared on it. So I was anxiously anticipating this moment where my lawyer would tell me that my case was closed assuming my father didn't follow through with his threat to destroy his family that he had already broken.

Mr Larsen, an attorney lawyer"Your family can rest now and your father is going to pay his dues to your family too."

The war was over and my family could finally breathes now as i felt something wet on my cheeks knowing it wasn't our pet cat Mitty licking my face. Nonetheless, it was sensation of feeling relieved that my siblings Aiden and Brayden including my mum would never be scared or worried relentlessly again in their lives. I didn't want my father's money since i had made more money including a better life for the people who i loved so much because as it turned out the good people sometimes win in life.

Oh, thank fork for this torture being over!

"How can I return the favor to you? How about I can give you and your son tickets to tonight's racing shows?"I offered gratefully to Mr Larsen, my family lawyer.

Joyfully, i fist pumped in the air, accidentally waking her up from her sleep as she tossed and turned before deciding to sit up in bed as her gaze landed on me with a questioning look that made her raise an eyebrow at me. I quickly exchanged some thankful words to my lawyer who accepted my offer then we both hung up our phones. In the meantime, she giggled in delight whilst i keep kissing her afterwards we eventually both stopped doing that she smile like there was no tomorrow although, she wanted to know had me so happy which was when i decided to break the ice with this glorious news about how my family wouldn't be split up alongside the fact that we can all move on with our lives too.

Moreover, i had to text my family the good news but yet she took my phone from my hands to begun phoning my mum for me and according to her, any types of news can't be delivered by text because how could i detect someone emotions if it was calling them on my phone even though, i suspected that she wanted to hear the great news herself in person like being there for me whenever i need her.

She handed me back my phone on loud speaker mode to hear every single word we were talking about seeing that she felt like she was already part of my family which was amazing because every single one of my family members loved her like she was one of us. "You can't just break the good news to your family over text like it is nothing important you know, Mase."she frowned at me and then nagged me "If i was your mother i would expect you to tell me the good verdict by calling me on the phone."

"Well, it is a good thing that you're not my mother." i brushed my lips against her neck lightly before only being inches away from her lips as I told her " but you're my soul purpose why i wake up happy each day and my soon-to-be wife, songbird."

She stared at me long and hard for a millisecond and then she grinned "I would love to say yes to that but only one condition is for us to have two weddings for the first one to be Korean and the second to be a white traditional one."

For the longest time in my life. I had always known that she was the one for me and showing me there was light through my darkness curving a tunnel for me to escape from reality but she made my reality worth it staying in as we would all be each other high because I realized that she will be my wife a long time ago.

"Okay, start from the beginning on what the good news is." My mum spoke through the phone and then she said happily to her, "I can't wait for both of our families to meet each other too."

Rochelle unwrapped her arms around my neck as she stepped back to take a seat on my bed and then, she left to go the bathroom to brush her teeth with a spare toothbrush that she often left here. It was hiding under the cabinet when she go to freshen up to support her friend Avenna at her friend dance performance later on. Half-way through my conversation with my family over the phone she comes out in a full leather bodysuit and jacket that look insanely incredible on her having me wanting to hang up the phone on my family already.

"Mr Larsen told me that dad's court case was ineffective and dad lost the court battle too, mum."I told my mum.

Quickly, i made my way over to Rochelle to helped her zipped up her black bodysuit turning completely silence that my family were talking and asking questions that i didn't heard them at all until i heard one of my brothers dropped something over the phone that snapped me out of the in trance that i was stuck in.

"Oh my goodness, we won and invited your girlfriend over for tea to celebrate with us .....hello Mason, have you gone quiet on us already?" asked my mum worriedly.

She laughed and said loud enough for my mum to hear her. "I would love to join you guys, family for tea unless I'm intruding on your family time-"

No one should ever underestimated the pucking effect that she had on me as she had this effect that made anyone else that had met her already falling in love on the first they see her. Now it was a surprise that mum told me to never let her slip out my grasps or fingertips because she knew almost immediately that I needed someone as special as her in my life for the better.

My mum interrupted her by explaining to her that she was already part of our family whether she had our last name or not. "No, you would never be infringing on our family time together, not when I feel like you're part of our family already too." my mum said to her.

Sometimes, I felt like my mum loved her more than me, her first born son which wasn't a problem as long as everyone else in my family got along with her, then it shouldn't be any problems here and I was deadly serious when I meant that I would go through two types of wedding in the future just for her to keep her happy no matter what she was my songbird who gave me peace in my most loudest of time because of that i was very grateful to have a girl like her in my life. During the phone call to my mum I could just tell she was already planning our wedding in her head all excitedly about how i had found the love of my life and then we had finished talking to each other on the phone, we hung up the phone.

"Should I get ready late for tea with your family? I'm sure me and your mum will speak about your old baby photos with a special edition of what our future child would look-like?" she asked and smiled happily at me.

Damm, I had the best woman in the world who was willing to take me back after two months of groveling to win her heart back. I was on board with spending time with my family, watching my hockey games and racing cars on the speedway too. I was the luckiest man in the world to have her by my side because me and her come as a package deal together.

Three hours and a half later, we arrived at my mum's house as she welcomed us into her house by embracing us with her loving opening hands. We entered the kitchen to see my mum cooking for the nation of Canada whilst Rochelle offered her a good fortune tree plant next, we sat down to eat the marvellous food my mum had cooked for everyone knowing that there would be enough leftovers to feed my whole hockey team for one day now that everyone in the room was having a fantastic time laughing or talking amongst each other was how each day should for us.

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