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That night Lisa was able to sleep in peace, after spending so many sleepless nights thinking about how to solve her problems, that night Lisa didn't think about anything, nothing other than how Jennie fits so perfectly in her arms, how the brunette's breathing coincided with hers, as her chest rose and fell and her eyelids fluttered as a result of the dreams in which she was immersed.

As exhaustion consumed Lisa, she wished for one more thing; She wanted this moment to last forever.

The queen returned to the castle never to leave it

And the warrior who was bleeding among the rubble stood up for the thousandth time and set out to rebuild without realizing that the most fragile breeze could knock her down again.

The weekend ended faster than expected, yet it was magical, magical like Jennie's kisses in the morning, like Jennie's fingers pressed into the soft skin of her hip, magical like her girlfriend's gummy smile, like harmony of her voice as she hums an old song, magical like Jennie's presence that was so rooted in the house that even when more than three hours had passed since the brunette left for work she could still see her in every corner, in every room.

Lisa was on cloud nine, no need to clarify that, this is all she ever need but the best part, the most beautiful and accommodating thing about this situation is that this life also seems to be the one Jennie always wanted.

That night two months ago, between the third and fourth bottle of Soju, Jennie had confessed that she was tired, tired of living under the orders of others, of having to justify her actions, Jennie was tired of the hate, of not being able to use social media without coming across the most degrading and disgusting things you have ever read. She told Lisa that if she had the chance she would run away with her to a forgotten town, there they would bake cookies in the afternoon and watch the stars at night, talking until dawn

Jannie wanted to be free

And what is this if it is not freedom?

They are free to love each other as they promised so long ago.

After a long day at the office, the emotion reflected on Jennie's face when she arrives home and sees Lisa sitting on the floor organizing the lenses of her cameras, says it,

The chaste kiss Jennie places on her forehead after murmuring "It's been a long day" and plopping down on the couch, screams it.

It screamed freedom.

Because before, the most irrelevant of acts, such as the simple action of their eyes meeting, would be a crime judged and punished with the highest sentence. The saddest thing of all? Sometimes Lisa was the judge, sometimes Jennie was the executioner.

And how can a revolution be effective if the first to sabotage it are the insiders? it will never be

"Are you still with Mr. Stuart's case?" Lisa asked as she put away the cameras and sat on the other end of the couch, she gently patted her knees as an invitation for Jennie to spread her feet in her lap.

Jennie let out a small moan as Lisa's fingers massaged her ankles. "I have two more weeks before I go to court, I can't say much because you know, confidential shit but Stuart is an endless well of murky waters, I've never seen a company that evaded the law so much"

"Is he going to lose his trial? I thought you needed to win it for promotion."

"Oh, he's going to win the trial. There's no doubt about it"

"Oh? but you said..."

"White-collar crimes, middle-aged white man who owns 6 Ferraris and is friends with congressmen. He will never lose, it's sad if you think about it but the world works like that. And he somehow assures me of the promotion, so..." Jennie closed her eyes and enjoyed Lisa's massage, the last thing she wanted was to think about work.

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