48. Jesus In L.A. 1/2

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Well, I shook hands with the Dҽʋιl down on the south side

And he brought us both a ԃɾιɳƙ,

With a pad and a pencil, sat by his side, I said:

"Tell me ɯԋαƚ ყσυ ƚԋiɳƙ"

Yuu wrapped the bandage around his tired fingers, the lack of proper breaks has made his movements groggy and messy, leading to a lot of paper cuts whenever he's sorting out Azul's paperwork, a cold expression on his face as he continues to work on his hands.

His movements were absentminded as he was thinking about what to do, it was clear that you were less than pleased with any of them, seeing that face of yours when he didn't answer, and that text Ace sent, the brunette's guilt only spurred more. Yuu bit his lip, his eyes glaring at a small liquid red line on the side of his middle finger.

It was easy to fake it at the Magift tournament, but now Yuu really couldn't hide it.

But Yuu can't be mad at his situation without being at the center of blame himself, he's the one who went to Azul in the first place, trusting his judgement with magic once more, only for him to lose. 

Was it because he's the only one without power here? Is that why he always got the short end of the stick? 

If so, why should he stay?

The cuts stung their memory into his head and onto his skin, dabbing and wiping away the running blood, even if it's minuscule, this is the closest thing to a break that he's gotten in the past two days. Yuu was originally a waiter and dishwasher before being "promoted" to be Azul's right hand man, letting Jade take care of the sea of newbies.

Maybe it was his rage that picked the words for him, but in the moment that Yuu got news of this switch of positions, his thoughts were quick and harsh.

"I'm just a pet to pass around."

Your steps echoed in the halls, walking wearily to the hall of mirrors, you didn't see him at lunch, so you figured he'd be at his dorm, you weren't nervous, you both talked about serious things before, you both were comfortable with sharing things with one another.

You two share fond looks with one another, waves were shared, respect was mutual, with that last big talk ending with a liberating cry and a welcoming hug, you knew that he could help choose.

You let down your hair from your usual pigtails as you stepped onto the paths of Heartslabyul, the pavement making little sounds of clicks, adjusting your hair to a better look, you pushed the grand doors opened, walking through the halls to find where he would be.

You halted when you saw the redhead sipping a cup of tea in the window, sitting at a small yet filled table made for two. Brightening up, you put your hand on the doorknob that would lead you to him, but when it was seem to be locked, you shrugged and tightened your platforms, lifted your foot and...


The door was successfully opened, poor Riddle, he jumped in his seat (luckily his cup was emptied just before), not expecting such a random loud impact out of nowhere, he turned to you, his eyes widened but not unwelcoming.

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