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"Promise you'll be safe." Ali whispered as I held her in my arms, our foreheads pressed together.

"I promise." I whispered back. "Don't worry about me my love, I know I'll be back to you. Both of you." Ali nodded, stroking my jaw with her thumbs. "I'll text you as often as I can." I told her. I couldn't call her for safety reasons, which was hard for both of us, but we knew it was necessary.

"I'll miss you." My wife sobbed, moving to wrap her arms around my neck. "Don't you dare get hurt Travis, I'll seriously kill you"

"I know." I chuckled. "I promise baby doll, I'll be back before you know I'm gone." Ali nodded, sniffling. "Okay, I have to go now." I said gently. "I love you so much Ali, I love you so much."

"I love you too." Ali pulled her chin up to kiss me, and I could taste the salt of her tears on her lips. "Stay safe Travis." She whispered. "I love you."

Pulling back, I touched my wife's tear stained cheek, and she nodded as she bit her lip. Ali nodded as I moved to Kylie, who handed me my daughter. Pressing my lips to the top of her soft hair, I cuddled Aria close, whispering in her ear how much I loved her. Then I kissed her cheek, passing her to her mother. Ali took her and held my gaze as I turned away, and I nodded, promising I would come back to her. She nodded back, and I got in the car.

Jason didn't say anything as we drove away, my heart heavy in my chest. I felt awful for leaving my girls at home, but it was the best thing I could do to keep them safe right now. I had to make sure they stayed safe, and so Vito had to die. His entire company had to die, and everyone who had anything against my family had to be put down. I'd do whatever it took. Anything.

"So what's the game plan?" Jason asked. "I can use my contacts but that'll only get me so far."

"They're going to come to us." I murmured. "He won't see me himself if he thinks I want to be found, so we're going to make it look like I slipped up. You can find me and put me on his radar, and when they come for me, you make sure me, you, and Vito stay in the same room. You break me out of whatever the hell they put me in, and we'll fucking kill him."

Jason and I talked strategy as we drove to the airport and all the way to Chicago. We had to be really careful about how we did this, because Vito thought Jason was my brother out for revenge, not my brother out to help me take him down. If we could pull this off, it would be a fucking miracle, but Jason and I had decided not to tell any of the girls that. They'd only worry even more. Kylie had threatened Jason with brutal murder if he dared not to come back, and Ali had pretty much done the same. It was likely we wouldn't come back uninjured, but it was worth a shot.

It took us the rest of the day to come up with a solid plan, and we got a shitty hotel room to stay the night in. In the morning, I texted Ali to tell her we were going into it today and that she might not hear from me for a few days. She texted straight back reminding me to be safe, and that she loved me. Leaving my phone in Jason's car, I crossed over to the cafe he'd dropped me off at and watched as he drove away. Pushing the door open, I looked around and approached the young girl sitting in a booth with a computer.

"Travis?" She asked as I sat down across from her.

"Evelyn?" I murmured, and she nodded as she looked up.

"You got the money?" Evelyn folded her arms on the table. I nodded, taking a envelope out of my pocket and passing it over to her. She opened it, flicked through the cash inside, and the stuck it in her bag. "Okay." She moved to tap on her computer. "Tell me what you want."

"I want you to plant a trace that someone could pick up." I murmured, passing over my credit card. "With this. Do a motel transaction somewhere in the city and make it look like I slipped up and didn't actually want to be found."

Happy Ever After (Over The Fence Sequel)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora