Time of dying...

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(Y/n)- your name
(Y/F/N)- full name
(C/n)- country name
(H/l)- hair length
(H/c)- hair color
(F/c)- favorite color

I stood at my husbands gravestone which read here lies Gilbert Beilschmidt, beloved husband and brother. I sighed if I had only gotten there sooner I could have saved him. I crumbled to the ground and started sobbing as I touched his gravestone "I- I'm so sorry *sniff* I'm sorry I couldn't save you. I love you so much Gil." I remember the day it all happened.

You and Prussia had been friends since time begun. You were (Y/F/N), you were Prussia's best friend. You were also the country of (C/N). You grew up alone and were usually picked on, you learned that trusting people was a horrible idea and became independent. You were a strong country and a powerful swordsman. You met Prussia in battle and you became allies. Over time you grew closer to him and you realized you loved Prussia and he loved you but you were to shy to tell him.
You were sharpening your sword when Prussia snuck up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. You jumped and almost cut Prussia.
He laughed "geez (Y/N), you could seriously kill someone with that."
You groaned " oh it's just you Gil, I thought it was Francis. Sorry," you lowered your sword.
On the ground I lay
Motionless in pain
I can see my life flashing before my eyes
Did I fall asleep
Is this all a dream
Wake me up, I'm living a nightmare
Prussia chuckled and ruffled your (H/L) (H/C), "you should get some rest (Y/N), we have big day tomorrow."
You groaned you knew exactly what tomorrow was... It was the day you go to war with the country of England.
"W-wait Gil," damn you were stuttering and you hated it " I have something to tell you."
"What to you need to tell the awesome me, (Y/N)?" He asked with that huge grin on his face, the grin you love.
You blush a light pink, you grabbed the collar of his jacket and placed your lips on his. You pulled away and in a whisper you said "I love you Gilbert" and start to walk back to your tent, when he grabbed you wrists and pulled you back to him. He placed his lips on yours, he wrapped his arms around your waist holding you close.
"Ich liebe dich (I love you). will you go out with me?" The albino asked.
You giggled and kissed his nose "of course Gil."
He smirked and picked you up bridal style and carried you to his tent. You yelped and held onto him. He chuckled and kissed your forehead. He laid you down on his tent and then laid next to you. He wrapped his arms around you and held you close to his chest. You smiled and snuggled up against his warm body
(Time skip to the morning of the battle)
You were dressed in black jeans, a silver V-neck shirt, black knee high boots, leather jacket. You had you chest armor on and your sword on you hip. You put your (H/L) hair in a sloppy French braid or something. You felt Prussia wrap his arms around your waist and kiss your shoulder. You turned around to face him. You wrapped his arms around his neck and kissed him as if it was her last time. He smiled and tightened his grip around your waist and kissed you back.
"Let's go Gil, we have a battle to win," you said in a soft voice.
He nodded and followed you with his hand in yours. You ordered your army to follow as you marched onto the battle field to fight England. You glared at England as both you, England, and Prussia raised their swords and let out a mighty battle cry. The battle had begun.
I will not die ( I will not die)
I will survive
You were fighting England, you had cuts across your arms and your face. You knew you would either have to surrender or fight to the death... And you choose death, you would not kneel down to someone of the likes of him.
I will not die, I'll wait here for you
I feel alive, when you're beside me
I will not die, I'll wait here for you
In my time of dying
Prussia P.O.V.
I was fighting on one England's men and it was hard he was bigger than me by maybe three inches. I looked over to (Y/N), I saw her bloody and fighting head on with England. I smirked that's my headstrong girl that I fell in love with. Her (H/L) flew behind her as she moved gracefully dodging England's attacks. I ran at my opponent and kicked him right in the face. 'Don't die on me (Y/N)!
(Y/N) P.O.V.
I was panting hard. England and I were covered in sweat and blood. I saw England smirk and run at me at full speed. I ran at him with full force our blades collided. "Join me (Y/N)! We could be powerful enough to rule the world!" England screamed at me. "Never, you sick bastard!" I screamed back in response. I saw an opening on England and I took it. I slammed my sword into his chest with blood spilling everywhere. "I'm sorry England but it had to be done" I said with no emotion and pulled my sword out of his chest and closed his eyes "may you rest in peace old friend." I took off in search of my beloved. I found Gil on the ground in pain holding his side. I ran to him I looked him in the eyes with tears streaming down my face. I took his shirt and wrapped it around his side and tied it tightly. He groaned in pain "shhh it's okay love I'm here" I said softly as I helped him up and slung him across my shoulder and carried him to the medic tent. 'Please don't die on me Gil!'
On this bed I lay
Losing everything
I can see my life passing me by
Was it all too much
Or just not enough
Wake me up, I'm living a nightmare
Prussia P.O.V.
I remember (Y/N) crying as she saw me on the ground covered in blood. I watched her and she took off her shirt and wrap it around my waist. I groaned in agony, she cooed me with her calm voice. I felt her pick me up and lay me across her shoulder and carried me off to wherever she took me. I passed out after a while. I just hope I don't leave her just yet.
I will not die (I will not die)
I will survive
(Y/N) P.O.V.
I walked into camp, my men saw me and came running towards me. One of my men took Gil off of my shoulders and I collapsed into Gilbert's brother, Ludwig. I fell asleep in his arms as he carried me bridal style to the medical tent. I felt him kiss my lips and say "I'm glad your safe (Y/N) I love you." I groaned and grabbed his sleeve. He looked at me surprised "please don't leave me I'm scared." I said in a shaky voice. He walked back over to me and put my head in his lap as he cleaned the blood off of you. As soon as he was done wrapping you in bandages you were already asleep. He watched as your chest rise and fall steadily with your breathing. After a few days of rest you were up and moving again. As for your boyfriend not so much, he was often puking blood and screaming in agony and only you, could keep him from hurting himself. You walked out of your tent to find your albino boyfriend talking to some other soldiers. He glanced over and saw me, he smiled and walked over to me. I kissed him and he kissed me, he wrapped his arms around your waist.
I will not die, I'll wait here for you
I feel alive, when you're beside me
I will not die, I'll wait here for you
In my time of dying
Prussia P.O.V.
I'm dying, I know I don't have much time left. I wanted to marry her, she's mine and I wanted it to be official. I did the hand sign to the other soldiers to signal them to get the other soldiers. In about five minutes everyone was here. So I began the speech for her hand in marriage. "You (Y/F/N), are the most beautiful woman I have ever met. You're strong, beautiful, and cunning. I know I don't have much time left and I wanted to ask you something." I got down on one knee and pulled out a red box and opened it "will you, (Y/F/N) do the honor of being my awesome wife and marry me?" I looked into her eyes and I saw tears of happiness. She smiled "yes yes yes I will marry you!" She said loudly so everyone could hear. I put the ring on her finger and I picked her up kissing her as I spun her around. I put her down and raised our hands of proof that we were engaged. I heard my men give cheers and congrats on the engagement. I asked a good friend of mine to have us married tonight since I know I won't make it that long I know my time is short. Later that night, after we said our vows, I was told I could kiss the bride, well obviously, the awesome Prussia did kiss his new awesome wife.
(Y/N) P.O.V.
Today was the happiest day of my life I was married to the man I loved but little did I know our marriage would be cut short in a few hours. I danced, ate cake, laughed with my men, and wondered what would happen next. A slow song came on and I was led to the dance floor and slow danced with my new husband. I placed my hand in his and on his shoulder and placed his hand on my waist and in my hand. I placed my head on his chest, listening to his heart. He smiled and whispered in my ear "I'm so glad I fell in love with you and that your mine. Awesome right and we can have awesome children." I felt tears drip down on my (f/c) dress and I felt them run down my face. I smiled "Gil, I- I can't have children they pulled the parts so I never could have them." I said softly with tears running down my face. He pulled me closer to him "it's okay (Y/N) it doesn't matter, and I will always love you. I'm sorry but my time is running out" he said out loud so everyone could hear. He kissed me for the last time and said "I love you (Y/N) always remember that." He collapsed and I caught him in my arms with tears streaming down my face as a buried my face into his chest screaming why and how could they do this to me. I kissed his lips for the last time and I stood up and walked away from my
men and my dead husband, who now lays dead on the floor. I changed out of my (f/c) dress and into my jeans, black V- neck shirt, leather jacket, my black knee high boots, and my sword at my hip. I went to the stable to find Ludwig, sitting next to your (f/c) stallion. "What are you doing here? You should be at the party" I said with a hurt voice as I grabbed my horses tack. "I'm so sorry (Y/N) I wanted to tell you but he told me not to." He said in a shaky voice. I sat next to him "it's not your fault Luddy, it's mine I should have been there sooner." I said in a sad voice "I must be leaving now, I've been summoned to the east. I'll be back for the funeral. Please take care Ludwig." I stood up and finished saddling my horse. I smiled and nodded my head to him and rode off into the night
Prussia P.O.V.
Damn, I can't believe the awesome me left my awesome wife. I stood up and watched her as she rode off into the night. I smiled to myself she really is headstrong isn't she? I watched her as she left and returned to camp for my awesome funeral. I always thought I would go out in a bang but at least I was married to the girl of my dreams. Oh well, at least I can watch over her.
(Y/N) P.O.V.
I didn't want to return to camp but I had to I needed to say goodbye to him. I wore black pants, my black boots, and a black shirt. I listened to the preacher guy as he spoke about how we would all miss him. I didn't listen I was to busy looking at the night sky looking at the stars as they appeared in the sky. I was asked to say some words, I sighed and stepped forward. "We will miss Gilbert and some of us will miss him more than others. From what I have learned from being a soldier and a country is that people will come and go but they will always be with us... That is all" I didn't bother to stay around and watch him get put in the ground. I sighed this was the worst month ever, if I had known I loved him earlier I would have kissed him sooner. It's to late know he is gone. I walked back over to his grave and sat behind it. "Well I was not expecting this... Huh Gil" I said with a sigh "well I guess this is where I leave, until next time my dear Gil. I love you."
Prussia P.O.V.
I smiled. This girl was going to be just as awesome as me. I can't get over the fact that I left her to soon. And the speech she said was beautiful just like her. I ran my hand through my white hair and sighed how I love this girl. Ich liebe dich.
I will not die I'll wait here for you
I will not die, when you're beside me
I will not die I'll wait here for you
In my time of dying

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