007 marriage proposal

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Chapter Seven  ✷  Marriage Proposal

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Chapter Seven  ✷  Marriage Proposal

       It seemed that Rhaenyra's promise not to leave Viserra had been quickly broken

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       It seemed that Rhaenyra's promise not to leave Viserra had been quickly broken. She would be leaving the Red Keep to go on a tour to find a husband to her liking. Leaving behind her sister.

Viserra fiddled with the sleeves of her light teal dress. The dress was nothing extraordinary, the dress went down to her ankles and had a slash neckline. It was made up of velvet and had latern sleeves, across the neckline was white lace along with the end of the sleeves.

Rhaenyra sighed as she stood in front of her sister as they awaited for everything to be done getting prepared so that she could begin her tour.

"I won't be gone for long, Serra. Only a few months." She said, trying to cheer her sister up.

Viserra looked at her sister and shook her head, "Why can I not just come with you? I will be alone if you are not here." She frowned.

Rhaenyra laughed and placed her hands on her sister's shoulders, "You cannot come because it will be boring. I wish I did not have to go, but I've already angered father enough."

The younger princess nodded in understanding, "Okay."

The heir smiled and removed her hands from Viserra's shoulders to her face, "You will be alright, Serra. I will be home sooner than you can say dracarys."

Viserra giggled at her sister's words as Rhaenyra kissed the top of her head like their mother had once done.

They heard commotion and faced the ship to find that they were ready to set off.

Rhaenyra sighed and turned back to her sister, "I must be going. Be good."

Viserra nodded and embraced her sister, not wanting to let go. Rhaenyra smiled and sighed into the hug, knowing that she would not see her sister for months.

They soon pulled away from the embrace and Rhaenyra turned around, walking towards the ship.

Viserra watched with a sad look on her face as Rhaenyra walked onto the ship and turned to look back at her. She waved and Viserra waved back.

Soon Rhaenyra was sailing across the sea to begin searching for a husband. And Viserra stayed at the docks watching her elder sister leave, not knowing that her future was being discussed.


Viserys sat in his chair as he listened to his council members talk amongst themselves. He did not care for what they were talking about. His thoughts were on his eldest daughter and worrying that she would cause him trouble while she was away.

He sighed as he took a sip of his wine. He hoped that Rhaenyra would find a suitable husband for herself. Like he had done when he found Aemma.

"Your Grace."

Viserys looked to the side to find that it was his hand, Otto Hightower, who had spoke to him.

"What is it, Otto?" He asked.

"Now that Princess Rhaenyra is gone to find her husband. I believe that it is time to discuss Princess Viserra's."

Viserys stared at his hand with squinted eyes, "Viserra. . . .Viserra is too young. I will not discuss marrying her off when she is only ten and two. Not until she is of age."

He did not wish to arrange a marry for his youngest daughter from Aemma. He believed she was too young.

His youngest daughter from his late wife, who he had named after himself and of his late aunt. He could not even think of marrying her off when she was still his little girl. Even if she no longer wished to be in his presence.

"It is better to arrange it now, Your Grace. So that Princess Viserra can get to know her future husband before they get married when she is of age." Otto reasoned.

The other council members nodded in agreement, he did make a good point.

Viserys looked at all of the council members and sighed. If he did not agree to discuss it, they would continue to annoy him with it until he agreed. Like they did for his remarriage.

"Fine. Has there been any marriage proposals towards my second eldest daughter as of late?" He asked.

Otto nodded his head, "Yes, Your Grace. From many suitors. Every noble from across the Seven Seas seems to want to marry the princess."

Viserys nodded and they soon began to read the letters addressed to the king, asking for Viserra's hand in marriage.

Viserra Targaryen was beautiful. She was the Realm's Angel, so it was no surprise that so many lords wished to marry her.

Viserys soon grew bored of reading all of the marriage proposals and glanced at each of his council members. It would be easier marrying one of their sons to Viserra. They all were from powerful and strong houses.

His eyes soon landed on one of his most trustworthy members, Orion Devka.

"Lord Orion." He called out.

The said lord looked up at the king and nodded, "Yes, Your Grace?"

"You have a son, do you not? Around Viserra's age?" Viserys asked as he leaned forward.

Orion nodded his head once again, "Yes, Your Grace. Elion, he is my only child and the heir."

Viserys hummed as he leaned back into his chair, "Has he already been promised to another?" He wondered.

Otto stared at the King, "Your Grace, perhaps you could look at this proposal-" He was ignored with the wave of a hand. He clenched his jaw.

"No, Your Grace."

Viserys smiled, "Wonderful. How about you bring your son tomorrow to the meeting. I wish to meet him. He is going to be a member of this council when he becomes the Lord of House Devka, correct?"

"He will."

Viserys clapped, "Just wonderful. It seems I have found the perfect match for my Viserra."

gracie speaks.
elion is on his way guysss. i'm so excited to write the second act of this book because it's when we see a slightly older viserra and elion and i love them sm during the act.

i literally made an edit of them during the second act and it's so cute!!!

viserra's outfit (not the color!!):

viserra's outfit (not the color!!):

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