Chapter 5

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Shawn tried to ignore the sexy creepy guy at the end of the bar, he wanted to go home and crawl up in his bed to read a book.

But he couldn’t do that to Freddy.

His best friend had dragged him to a club to have to some fun.

His gaze went to the dance floor where his friend was dancing between two men.

Out of his peripherals he saw the creepy guy come closer to him, he felt like prey to a hungry lion, the worst thing was that he had a great gaydar, and he knew the guy wasn’t even close to being gay as he was to sleeping with a woman.

What the hell was he doing in a gay bar?

Experimenting perhaps?, well he was shit out of luck if he wanted to do it with Shawn.

After the nasty break up Shawn was guarding his heart, so even if the man wanted him Shawn wasn’t going to be use like that.

‘’Give me a bud light.’’ He heard the stranger ask the bartender, the voice sounded silky yet with a small hint of roughness.

A sideways glance gave Shawn a perfect profile shot, Strong jaw and beautiful plump lips. The man’s skin was flawless and it looked soft. Damn he wanted to touch.

The man commanded attention and judging by the lustful looks he was getting by every single gay man in the club he was getting it. He oozed sex with his hair black as night and eyes that could get you lost in them as soon as you look right at them.

The bartender came back with the stranger’s beer and he pulled one of the oldest tricks in the book.

As he leaned over to grab it, he rubbed against Shawn.

‘’Oh, excuse me.’’ The stranger moved over a bit.

‘’No problem.’’ Shawn said in an uninterested tone.

‘’I’m Terrence.’’ Terrence crooned with a seductive smile as he put his hand out to Shawn.

‘’Shawn, I’m not interested.’’ Shawn replies with a bored tone, while looking at the offered hand.

Terrence almost fell over from the shock; he’s never been turned down before.

‘’Excuse me?’’ Terrence questions as he tries to hide the surprise.

‘’I said I’m not interested. Now if you’ll excuse me.’’ Shawn snapped as he walks away, he knew if he stayed he would’ve done something he’d regret in the morning.

Terrence watched as the man, Shawn left. To say he was surprised was an understatement. In all his years he’d never heard anyone say ‘’I’m not interested.’’

It took Terrence a few seconds to come out of his shocked state, and then he ran after Shawn, he could see him through the crowd, but the club was so damn packed he couldn’t get to him in time.

He lost sight of him and Terrence cursed looking everywhere but didn’t find him.

Well that was a fail, he left the club and got in a cab.

Terrence thought about what happened. Was he losing it?

Was he not attracted anymore?

Terrence shook his head clear. Hell no, men and women checked him out all the time. What the hell was wrong with Shawn?

Shawn came out of the darkness; he had seen Terrence leave the club.

Was he stalking him?

Was he sent by his ex? Was that a test?

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