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"Lady Bridgerton... and the rest of the family, it is always a pleasure to have you in my home," Agatha said graciously as the maids ushered them inside.

"It was always a pleasure," Violet replied with a strained smile.

"I think there are some matters that need addressing," Anthony interjected. "Such as why you kept my mother's sister hidden all these years, or better yet, why you had an affair with our grandfather?"

"I understand," Agatha responded calmly. "It would be best if everyone took a seat."

All the Bridgertons, save for Hyacinth and Gregory, were present, eager to uncover the secrets that had been kept from them. Daphne had accompanied Simon on this visit to meet their newfound family members, but Eloise's cryptic letters had left her bewildered about what awaited her. Simon, feigning disinterest but secretly delighted to see Daphne at ease in her childhood home, couldn't help but smile.

"Your father," Agatha addressed Violet, "and your grandfather," she turned to the children, "and I always shared a connection. When we first met in our solitude, I felt I had found someone with whom I could truly connect. He alleviated my burdens and shared his passions with me." She sighed deeply. "Our passionate affair began when you were about twelve, Violet," she continued, meeting Violet's shocked and disgusted expression. "But it ended as quickly as it began. We both knew it was wrong, but for me, it felt like I finally had someone who loved and cared for me, rather than viewing me as a mere vessel. We ceased our affair until one night when I yearned for the freedom I once felt, and in my distress, I sought solace in the old shed near the property line. Tears streaming, your father found me there. I don't know why he was out, but I am grateful he was. When I later discovered I was pregnant..."

Daphne gasped audibly, and Simon looked equally stunned. Eloise smirked knowingly at Daphne, mouthing silently, 'I told you so'. "I feared your father's reaction."

"Twenty-four years ago," Agatha continued, transported back to that fateful night.

Twenty-four years ago

"It was night, and I had just confirmed my pregnancy, seeking solace in the shed once more. I needed to feel close to him again. I couldn't tell him about the baby, fearing he might shun me, or worse, strip me of my titles and ruin my standing in society."

Tears welled in her eyes as she recounted the memory. "I cried all the way there, blaming myself for the situation. If only I hadn't gone to that wretched shed, none of this would have happened. If only I hadn't fallen for him, I could have remained in quiet comfort."

As she opened the door to the shed, Agatha hadn't noticed another presence until strong arms enveloped her.

"Who are you, and what are you doing here?" Edgar's voice demanded in the darkness.

"Edgar? It's me," Agatha whispered, relief flooding through her. "Oh, Edgar! I've missed you terribly."

"Agatha?" Edgar's voice softened. "My love, where have you been? You haven't answered my letters, and the servants said you've been unwell whenever I inquired."

Indeed, Agatha hadn't seen Edgar in three months, plagued day and night by nausea. Only after Coral urged her to consult a doctor did she discover her pregnancy.

"There's something I need to tell you," Agatha began tentatively, anxiety gripping her.

"Yes, my love?" Edgar's hands roamed her body, his kisses reigniting old flames.

Agatha moaned softly, but as he reached her neck, she struggled to find the words.

"I'm..." she hesitated, feeling overwhelmed. "I'm pregnant."

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