Chapter 19: Let it Happen

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It's always around me, all this noise, but

Not nearly as loud as the voice saying

"Let it happen, let it happen."

(It's gonna feel so good)

Just let it happen. Let it happen

- "Let it Happen," by Tame Impala


"I'm just going to finish cleaning up and maybe take a walk, but I'll meet you back home," Lettie said, giving me a weak smile.

"I don't love that. But I will see you at home," I relented.

Lettie came closer to me, kissing me gently and hugging me. I held her close, feeling a little better with these actions.

I watched her for a moment longer as I let go of her. "Be safe," I whispered, hoping she could hear the sincerity in my voice.

She nodded, pulling away and resuming her cleaning. I wanted to stay and help, to make sure she was really okay, but I knew I had to give her the space she needed. I left the shop, the bell jingling softly behind me, a stark contrast to the turmoil inside me.

On my way to Lettie's flat, I picked up some food. The place felt empty without her, the silence almost deafening. I set the food on the kitchen counter, but I had lost my appetite. I glanced at my phone every few minutes, hoping for a text from her.

I moved to the bedroom and considered going to sleep to turn off my mind. Midnight came and went, and still, no word from Lettie. I tried to distract myself, but nothing worked. The silence felt suffocating.

Around one, I texted Niamh, hoping she might have heard from Lettie, but there was no response from her either. I called Lettie around two, my nerves on edge. The call went straight to voicemail, and I felt a wave of panic rising.

Close to 2:30 AM, I heard the sound of the lock turning, and relief washed over me. She was home. But then, I heard her voice, "Good night. Bye. I'm home." I needed to find out who she was talking to.

"Jesus, Lettie," a man's voice said. It was familiar, but I couldn't place it immediately. "This is why you got mugged," he added nastily. "You put yourself in unsafe situations!"

My heart sank as I recognized the voice.


I jumped out of bed, pulling on a shirt as I muttered, "What the fuck is this with our exes showing up this week?"

I hurried into the living room to find Lettie standing there, looking disheveled and annoyed. Simon was close by, his expression angry.

"You're such a child," he scolded her.

"Fuck off, Simon," she spat back, her words slurred.

"Simon, you need to leave," I said sternly, stepping between them.

"Of course, it's him," Simon scoffed, his eyes narrowing at me. "I knew you wanted to fuck him."

"It is me, and you need to leave," I repeated, opening the door for him.

"Good night, Simon," Lettie said firmly, her voice stronger now.

Simon glared at us both before finally stepping out into the hallway. I closed the door behind him and turned to Lettie. She looked exhausted and sad.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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