The Adventures Of Dildo Swaggins

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Correct. These are not lyrics. But, I was writing notes for the Hobbit in english and decided that I'd share them.

Prepare your anus for the Adventure Of Dildo Swaggins.

Old Dildo Swaggins starts off movie
Sets the scene (its a god damn arms race though)
Things go bad (what a fucking surprise)
Enter Benadryl Crumplesnort
Benadoodle Cucumber want pretty stone (ooooh shiny thing)
King go bye bye
Moose man elve no help-stoopid eelf
Swaggins crib
Frodododododododo enter
Getting the rave ready
Frodododo thinks Dildo Swaggins is insane
Gandalf-confused old dude
Offers adventure to Hogwarts
Firework angst
Jawn tells Dumbledalf to fuck off
Gandalf=pedo with a big staff *wink wink nudge nudge*
FOOOOOOOODDDDD-forgot the milk
Dwarf turns up outta the blye uninvited
Greedy bastard -_-
Doorbell-beautiful beard man appears
Hugs!! :)
Dildo Swaggins becomes Canadian
Twins-not ginger-probs no twincest
Swag rage
Greedy bastards the lot of them
Gandalf offered camamile tea
1 dwarf late-that dick
Wasting alcohol
Swaggins got no balls
Midget rage
Singing about Swaggins Rage
Omnious knocking from Doctor Who
Awkward intros with late dickhead
Wimps. Fucking wimpy idgits
Map-shitty one at that. Where the fuck is everywhere
Beast=sherlock-Dildo sass
60 year exsistential crisis for Sherly
Key to mountain-such a fucking conincidence
"If theres a key, there must be a door." NEVER!!! You fucking genius
Swaggins in Canadian confirmed
Dilfo Swaggins=Sherly bait=Smutty fanfics my friend was reading beside me
Always read the small print-too hot (hot damn)
Swag faint
Teenage Hobbit rebel years have passed by Dildo
Great summin uncle created golf with a goblin head
No promise to come back to Swaggin Crib
Loyalty and bravery speech blah blah grt on with it
Beautiful harmony sing song-bit ominous
Dildo is sleepy
Lonely~~~ oh so lonely~~~
Dildo Swaggins is bipolar
It's Maaaaaarrrster, not Master
Scared of pony baby
Took wagers on Swaggins mood swing
Forgot handkerchief. Stop the adventure. Pause the script. Smaug, hold the phone, we need the motherfucking handkerchief.
Snoring dwarfs, such rude, many sleep, wow
Orcs-so ugly-ugh #nofilters #nomakeup #natural

Thus concludes the Adventure of Dildo Swaggins for now.

Sorry, this isn't lyrics. But, i thought it was too hilarious not to share.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2015 ⏰

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