The Nightmares Return

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Chapter 8: The Nightmares Return

Sia’s Pov

The darkness is suffocating, pressing in from all sides. I can't see anything, but I can feel his presence. The air is thick with the smell of alcohol and stale cigarette smoke. I can hear his voice, slurred and menacing, echoing in the shadows.

"You're worthless, Sia. No one will ever want you."

I try to run, but my feet won't move. I'm stuck, trapped in this endless nightmare. His laughter surrounds me, mocking and cruel. Suddenly, he's there, looming over me, his hand raised to strike. I flinch, but the blow never comes. Instead, I wake up, drenched in sweat, my heart pounding so hard it feels like it will burst out of my chest.

For a moment, I'm not sure where I am. The room is unfamiliar, the shadows too long and the silence too deep. Panic claws at my throat, making it hard to breathe. I struggle to sit up, gasping for air, my hands trembling as I clutch the sheets.

It's just a dream, I remind myself. Just a nightmare.

But the fear is real. The memories are real.

I force myself to take slow, deep breaths, trying to calm the storm inside me. The mansion is silent, everyone still asleep. The pale light of dawn is starting to filter through the curtains, casting a soft glow on the room. It's beautiful and serene, so unlike the chaos in my mind.

I slip out of bed, my feet cold against the hardwood floor. I need to move, to do something to shake off the lingering terror. My steps are quiet as I head to the bathroom, splashing water on my face to wash away the remnants of the nightmare. The cold shock helps a little, grounding me in the present.

For years, I've had to pick myself up after nights like this. There was no one to comfort me, no one to tell me it was going to be okay. I learned to be my own source of strength, to bury the fear and keep moving forward. But here, in this strange new place, it feels harder to push it all down.

I return to the bedroom, wrapping a blanket around my shoulders and sitting by the window. Outside, the estate is still and quiet, the early morning light casting long shadows over the gardens. I can hear the faint chirping of birds, a small reminder that the world goes on, no matter how much pain we carry inside.

The nightmare lingers at the edges of my mind, refusing to let go. I close my eyes, taking another deep breath, and focus on the present. I'm safe here, I tell myself. I'm with my real family now.

But the scars run deep, and trust is a fragile thing.

As the sky lightens and the first rays of sun break through, I know I have to face the day. I have to face them. My new family. The brothers who don’t yet understand the hell I’ve been through, and the father who’s trying so hard to make things right.

I push myself up from the chair, my legs still shaky but determined. I can't let the past control me. I can’t let him win.

With a final glance at the rising sun, I head to the door. Today is a new day, a new chance to find my place in this family. I won’t let the nightmares hold me back.


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