Trail 1: 3 in 4 seconds x 2

12 1 2

What I remember most about the beginning was not the fact that I was a part of the first trail but the simple fact that I was not alone.

I jerked my body right and left, I wanted to be free. They had my wrist strapped to the railings of this portable bed on wheels.
The feeling of regret started to creep in.

"Where are we?" I yelled at the two guards on either side of me. I slowly felt the features of panic mold my face.
The only thing I heard in response was my heart rate increasing and the release of air from their yellow hazmat suits.

"What else do you remember?" I asked.
His apple green eyes were concentrated on something,
no they were deciding something.
"You can tell me. Whatever it is you are deciding."
I told him, petting my dogs head.

"How could you tell that I was deciding something?"
He said, as his lightly freckled face twisted into confusion.

"Those eyes of yours speak louder than your words sometimes."
I simply told him, with a smiles.
He seemed to relax at my words, yet when I looked
back into his eyes there was a faint hint of caution.
Nonetheless the emotions of safety won and he continued.

"I don't remember them taking me out of the ambulance
but I remember what happened after I was out."

I still struggled against my restraints, and my eyes were constantly moving. My heart was racing even faster than before. All I remember thinking was wanting to run away, because I had such a strong sense of danger. That I made a mistake calling the Center for Diseases Control.
I remember that there were people rushing past me heading towards the make shift gates they were just starting to build. I wondered what those people were doing, and where they were going. They had a different color of suit than the two guards. Theirs were a simple white suit, with a full face gas mask. Some of them had what looked like media tags with paper and pens in a clear plastic brief case, while others simply had nothing. Iassumed that they were the people to tell the world what happened.
What I remembered next was lifting my head up to look at the glass windows that lined the long horizontal front of the building.

I remember my heart slowing to a steady thump, thump sound.
I remember feeling the wild panicked look subside from my eyes.
I remember how time seemed to stop when I saw those teal eyes of yours.
I remember them because the stood out from your dark complexion.

Relief flushed through me, because I knew I wasn't alone.
The anger appeared, I was angry that they didn't tell me about you.
Then curiosity appeared next, I wondered what your experience was like and how it differed from mine.
What I remember the most though was that the calming feeling that washed over me was the calming feeling of seeing a familiar face. This didn't make much sense because I never met you before in my life.
The next thing I remember was going through the automatic doors, and then I was here with you and that black lab-pit mix of yours.

"You had that feeling because we have met before,
you just don't remember."
I told him, looking out the window.
There were various kinds of people
moving about on the ground.
I looked back at him and
he had the same startled look on
his face as before.

"What do you mean and when did I meet you?"
Was all he managed to say.
His hands reached for my dogs head,
And Atticus reached him half way.
The smooth outlines that formed his mouth
Curled up into a smile.
I took a deep breath and spoke.

"That, I can not tell you sadly.
Remember, remember and
you will have your answers."
I told him, looking at him in the eye.
In all honesty I wanted to tell him.
To tell him all about me and my world.
I couldn't, not yet.

"What do you mean remember? Remember what?
I have forgotten so much."
He said, as a tinge of sadness appeared in his eyes.
My heart broke at the site of this.
I reached out my hand and touched his forearm lightly.

"Do not be afraid of your memories?
They will guide you to the truth."

"I don't know where to start."

"Which animal did you see?"
I asked him, putting my hands into my lap.
His face twisted into confusion again.
"What animal did you see before it all began.
Start from there."
His kind face relaxed, and laid down on the grey cot.

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