The Doe

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It was doe or a female deer. I was cold, the sun just finished rising. I remember my legs dragging me down a quiet street, it was the on North Bank. There were small, spacious houses with solar panels on the roofs and they line both streets. I was walking in the middle of road as I usually do in the morning due to how little traffic there when I saw it. It stood there no more than 6 feet away from me. It's fur was beige, and it had 8 white, perfect little dots spread out all across it's head and neck. The deer was not afraid, but I was. Not because it scared me but because I didn't want to scare it. I think that is why my body froze for what seem like eternity until it broke eye contact and turned it's body around started up the street. I remember being able to breath again, and falling to my knees on the cold pavement, panting trying to regain the air I lost when I was frozen.
The only sound that I could hear was the sharp clip-clop of the deer's hoofs. When I could finally look up, I saw the deer had made his way to the end of the street and it only had two options from there, right or left. It looked back at me, it's brown almond shaped eyes compelling to follow. Without thinking I slowly pushed myself off the ground and started to walk and when I was about 6 feet from her she turned left and started running. I felt my feet pick up pace, and I started running after her. The house on either side of me turned into a blur. It ran until it got to the community stores that lined a two block radius. She looked back at me again and turned right into an ally way, once again I followed. When I turn the corner the deer with the 8 white spots was gone. The fence to my right was too high for the deer to jump and the four evenly spaced doors to my right were all closed.
My dumb foundedness was short lived because from the second door I heard a muffled bang. It was only loud enough to hear from where I stood. I knew all too well what that sound was.

(I have to end it here I am way too tired. Let me know what you think. And yes I know my writing style is not normal. Hope you enjoy.)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2015 ⏰

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