Chapter 15

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Lisa pov:

We are still in the car when something came in my mind from what i heard my Oppas were talking with Police man Hanbin.
"Oppas can i ask you something?"
I asked them quietly cause Irene were sleeping on my lap.
"Yes Baby"
They responded.
"Who want to kidnap me?"
I asked them confused and see them stiffen.
"What are you saying Baby"
They asked.
"I heard Police man Hanbin say to you that someone was arrested for that and i want to know why"
I asked them.
"Can we wait until we arrive at the Mansion Baby,so Uncle can explain to you too why"
RM said and i nodded at them.

After 10 minutes and we arrived at the mansion and i tried to wake Irene but she didn't move,so i picked her up from much surprise from the others,then i moved inside the mansion and heard the girls gasp.
They said in unison.
"Right? That was the same reaction i had the first time i see this.I can't still get used to this"
I said to them and they just nodded.
"Hello Lisa,Master is waiting for you and your friend in the living room"
Alexander said and i thanked him and with everyone else moved there.

We arrived in the living room and i saw Uncle sit in one of the armchair there.
"Hi Uncle"
I said to him while still carry Irene,he looked at us and smirked seeing me.
"Oh hi Baby.Who is that girl that you are carrying huh?"
He said with his smirk that use everytime i'm with Victoria.
"Yah Uncle shhh.She is sleeping"
I said to him and he smiled and nodded.
"You all,take a sit"
Uncle said and we all sitted down.
"So Baby,why did you cameback today?"
Uncle asked me and i became sad.
"Today they found 2 person dead infront of the school"
I said shocking him.
He yelled and i covered Irene ears to not wake her.
"Yah Uncle don't yell"
I said to him and he apologised silently and said.
"Can you tell me who were them?"
Uncle asked me and i was bit hesitant to tell him but J-hope was the one who talked.
"Uncle,they were 2 bully of Baby at highschool there in Thailand"
He said and i saw Uncle change completely.
"They deserve that"
He said and everyone agreed with him.
"Yah Uncle it's not good say that to someone who is dead"
I scolded him.
"I'm sorry Baby but they really deserve that"
Uncle said to me and i sighed.
"Now young lady,can you please tell me your name,maybe i know your parents"
Uncle said and the girls presented theirself.

After they all presented theirself Uncle talked.
"Oh i know you all"
Uncle said shocking me.
"How do you know them all Uncle?"
I asked him.
"I knew their parents Baby,they are all old friends of mine"
Uncle said and i understood.
"Ohh okay Uncle"
I said.
"Please Baby,can you wake thar girl so i can present myself too"
Uncle asked me.
"But i don't want to wake her.You see she is sleeping peacefully"
I said looking at Irene that were sleeping calmly.
"I think it's better if you wake her Baby.Or she will have hard time sleeping in the night if she still sleep"
Uncle said and i understood and tried to wake her.
"Hyun wake up"
I whisper to her and she moved a bit.
"Just 5 more minutes Melanie"
She said with her eyes still closed and i was confused so i turned to the girls.
"Who is Melanie?"
I asked them confused.
"She is one of her maid"
Nayeon explained to me and i nodded.
"Hyun please wake up,i'm not Melanie"
I said now to her.
"Just 5 more minutes,it's comfortable"
She said while moving more into my body and i giggled at that.
"I'm comfortable Hyun?"
I asked her.
"Yes you are"
She said still not opening her eyes.
"Hyun it's me,Lisa"
I said and i guess that hearing that wake her and she looked at me in surprise.Then she blushed and hided in my neck.
"Yah Baby,why didn't you wake me up before?"
She asked me and i giggled.
"Cause you were sleeping peacefully.But my Uncle told me to wake you up or you will have hard time sleep tonight"
I said to her and she seems to understand that we were not in the limousine anymore and looked around.
"Hi young one who sleeped on my niece lap"
Uncle presented his self to her and she stopped and looked at him.
"Hi sir,i'm Irene Bae"
Irene presented herself trying to stand up but i stopped her cause there were anymore sit.
"Oh nice to meet you.I know your parents,from what i know they are in a business trip,am i right?"
Uncle asked her and she nodded.
"Let's all get to the kitchen so we can all eat somethings if you want,okay?"
Uncle asked and we all nodded.
"I will cook"
I said excitedly and they all giggled.
"I didn't want to ask that Baby,but luckily you want to do that anyway and i'm so glad to know that"
Uncle said and smiled.
"Let's go"
I said and stood up while still carrying Irene.
"Yah Baby put me down"
Irene said to me while hiding her face in my neck.
"Nu-uh,you seem still tired so don't complain.And you Uncle and Oppas,if you tease me and her i will not cook for you"
I said knowing them then i turned and saw them smirk.
"Okay no pancakes for you"
I said and turned again to the kitchen and heard then whine.
"Yahhh,we just smirked,we didn't tease you Baby"
They said togheter.
"I don't care"
I said and then turned to the girls.
"And girls if you keep glare,you will not eat my pancakes too"
I said and saw them stop immediatly.
"That's what i wanted"
I said and turned again to the kitchen and moved there.

How could we fall for youDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora