Chapter One - Grandpappy Eldersman's Lodge

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"It was real chill for your pappy to let us stay at his huntings lodges till things got settled down, Cub." Jason told his friend as they continued their way down the lonesome, empty woodland roads in the deep rural spots of Wisconsin. Even the boy's and his parents' creator, Rick, seemed grateful he got to tag along, his own best friend, too. Although he never even knew this part of his home state even existed, Rick tried not to let it get to him too much, it was Alex's first time in good ole' WI, so he might as well let what come may for her to enjoy it most. "Eh." Cub sighed, before blowing a tuft of his alfalfa out of the way of his face. "It's nothing, my grandpappy's chill with you guys. Wasn't sure about her, though." Alex looked back at them from the passenger's seat of Rick's van, a faint smile on her face. "Lots of former members of the Roaring Thirty-Fivers don't take lightly to the newer retirees," she told the two boys in the back. "Old Man Edgar's just one of them: a sour member of S.T.A.R Fed.'s Silent Generation who thinks the 20-to-30-year-old retired heroes are just as lazy as the non-members."

"Yeah, I can see how someone from the Silent Generation might have a different perspective on retirement and work ethic compared to the younger retirees," Rick said, trying to keep the conversation light and friendly. He couldn't help but feel a little protective of Alex, being her best friend and all. But he knew that she was more than capable of holding her own. As they drove deeper into the woods, the road became narrower and more winding, and the trees grew closer together, creating a canopy overhead that filtered the sunlight and cast dappled shadows on the ground. It was peaceful here, and Rick could feel his worries start to melt away as he focused on the beauty of his surroundings. Suddenly, a movement caught his eye, and he looked up just in time to see a deer dart across the road. He slammed on the brakes, and the van skidded to a halt, sending up a cloud of dust and gravel. "Whoa, that was close!" Jason exclaimed; his voice filled with excitement. Rick took a deep breath and let it out slowly, his heart pounding in his chest. "Yeah, that was a little too close for comfort," he said, scanning the road ahead for any more wildlife. Winston, the wolf Rick made-the Tree Friend he created-who before was slumbering with slight snores until the sudden stop jolted him awake, turned to Rick with a joking glare. "Sweet Idol Dominion, Richard. We could've had venison for dinner tonight!" The wolf remarked in his deep, gruff voice. Rick chuckled, grateful for the break in tension. "Sorry, buddy," Rick said to the wolf. "It's not my fault if the wildlife here likes to play chicken with our van." He looked over his shoulder at Alex, who was looking out the window, trying to see if she could spot any more animals in the woods. "You okay back there?" He asked her. Alex turned to look at him, her expression neutral but her eyes betraying a hint of excitement. "That was a close one," she said, trying to sound casual. "But yeah, I'm fine." Rick could sense that she was a little shaken up, but wasn't going to admit it. He knew her well enough to understand that she wasn't one to show her vulnerability easily. "According to my calculations," the nasally voice of the anteater in the way back declared with an upward arm and an extended index finger, "we would've more likely damaged to front than ended up with a killed buck."

"Sniffles gotta point, that looked like a 7-point you nearly smacked, Rick." Cub chimed in. Rick sighed, grateful for the insight from Sniffle and Cub. "Thanks for the analysis, Sniffle," he said. "And great observation, Cub. Glad we didn't have any deer casualties on our hands today." Winston, still trying to shake off the shock of the sudden stop, chuckled. "Sounds like our road trip is turning into a wildlife documentary." Rick smiled at the wolf's remark. "Yeah, we're definitely getting up close and personal with nature on this trip," he said. "Who knows what other creatures we'll encounter along the way?" Alex chuckled softly at the conversation between the group. "Well, let's just hope we don't encounter anything too dangerous," she said, a hint of dry humor in her voice. Anya, the fox-Winston's wife and Jason's mother-looked through the forests to the right of their drive down the road, the faint sightings of their destination closing in through the thicket of birches, oaks and pines. "Whoa." Jason exclaimed, further were his words with his growing excitement over his own sighting of the lodge. "THAT's your pappy's place, dood!?" Cub chuckled at Jason's enthusiasm. "Yep, that's it," he said. "The old hunting lodge. It's nothing fancy, but it's got plenty of room for us all to stay comfortable." Winston let out a gruff chuckle. "And plenty of room for me to stretch my legs and chase critters," he added. Rick looked out the window towards the lodge, taking it all in. "It's pretty secluded out here," he remarked. "Seems like the perfect place to get away from it all."

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