Christmas Festivities

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Aphmau (MS)

The Demon Warlock stood in front of me, "Fine... if you want to play God, let me kill you in a place fit for a goddess to die." Dread coursed through my body as I glared into his flaming purple eyes. How could I beat someone so horrible, so evil? The world swirled around me. I knew I was going to die here, but at least I would die trying.

I woke up gasping. A terrible headache surged through my forehead. I laid my head back down on my pillow. It had been more than half a year since what had happened on Starlight, but I still had nightmares. Everyone was still recovering from the horror of what had happened. I sat up, rubbing my eyes. I couldn't think about that right now, after all, I had more work to do on the wedding. Excitement surged through me. Aaron had proposed to me at Starlight before things had gotten crazy. With what had happened there things had gotten a bit... delayed. I got up and changed into a black crop top and shorts, grabbing Aaron's sweatshirt before I left. It comforted me, the sweatshirt. In that year before we went to Starlight, things had been so hard without Aaron and the guilt of hurting him that it had become a habit to wear it. It had made me feel closer to him.

I headed down the stairs and walked to the kitchen. "Celestia! Alexander! I'm the alpha of this house!" Aaron struggled to get some of his socks back from Celestia and Alexander. "These are my socks. He finally jerked his socks free, "I swear Alexander, you used to be so well-behaved! He eyed Celestia, "You did this to him, didn't you?" He turned around and saw me, "Aph..." He looked at me,"...You had another nightmare, didn't you?"

I stopped, "No, I'm- I'm fine," I hated lying, but I couldn't let him worry about me, he needed to be happy after everything he'd been through.

"I know you, Aph, and I see the bags under your eyes."

I sighed, "I just... don't want you to worry, after everything you've gone through."

"You've gone through just as much, and I don't want to see you sad." The oven dinged and Aaron pulled out a pan of cookies, oatmeal ones of course. "I got our favorite cookies," he smiled.

"Thank you, just... just don't worry about me, I'm fine," I pulled out a chair at our bar and opened my laptop.

Aaron reached over and grabbed the laptop. "Oh, no you don't. Take some time to eat, you need a break from the wedding planning, let me do it."

"Aaron..." I didn't want to stress him out.

"Aph, take a break, you need one." He looked into my eyes.

"Fine, fine. But don't overwork yourself..."

"Go spend some time with everyone, you've been working so hard on the wedding planning lately, you've barely had any time just to rest and take a break." He slid a plate of cookies over to me. "Besides, have you even wrapped the Christmas gifts for everyone?"

I gasped, "No, I can't believe I forgot about that! My mom's party is today!"

"It's okay, we have plenty of time to wrap them, I'll do it. Go spend some time with your friends."

"Fine, fine, I'm going..." I got up and pulled on my boots. I knew he was right, I hadn't even gone outside in days. I opened the door and walked outside. I shivered; it hadn't started snowing that year, but it was getting pretty cold. I regretted putting on shorts. I wrapped Aaron's hoodie tighter around me. I still had to get a Christmas gift for Aaron. My ears twitched in the cold air. I was still getting used to being a werewolf and having ears and a tail. I felt a lot stronger, and my senses were a lot more elevated. It still was weird, though.

I walked down the street. The mall was conveniently a walking distance from our street, so I didn't have to drive there. It would have definitely been a warmer trip if I had taken the car though.

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