Ace of Clubs

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Hi! First of all, I want to thank everyone for their incredible support and comments. When I first wrote this, it was out of a whim. I had only recently discovered Hazbin Hotel and fell in love with the fandom and the Overlord Husk trend. This was supposed to be a short story but like always once I sat down it took a life of its own and continued to grow without my consent. Second, I want to assure you all that I will continue writing this story and I will finish the fic. However, I am traveling in a couple of days, and I will very busy to update in a while. It will take me a couple of weeks or a month at most, but I will be back with updates soon! I promise! Thank you for your patience!


The Ace of Clubs opening was happening tonight, and Angel was a whirlwind of nervous excitement. The anticipation was electric, and the nightclub buzzed with frantic energy as the final touches were put in place. Sinners scurried about, their movements a chaotic ballet of last-minute preparations. In the midst of this organized chaos stood Angel, the maestro of the madness, orchestrating every detail with the precision of a seasoned conductor.

"Move those tables to the left! The lights need to be dimmer on the second floor! And for Satan's sake, where's the backup for the champagne?" Angel barked orders left and right, his multiple arms gesticulating wildly. His voice, though sharp, carried a note of underlying excitement. This was his night, his big moment, and everything had to be perfect.

As he made his way to the bar, Angel's heart nearly stopped. The scene there was a mess: bottles out of place, glasses not polished to his high standards, and the staff looking more frazzled than prepared. Angel had spent weeks drilling Husker with questions about running a bar efficiently, especially on busy nights. He wasn't about to let all that hard work go to waste because of some amateur mistakes.

"Listen up!" Angel shouted, his voice cutting through the din. "I want this bar spotless! Every glass should shine, every bottle should be in its place. And if I see one more smudge, someone's getting their ass kicked!"

He knew he could be a bit overbearing, but this was his pride and joy. Each of the nightclub's three floors had its own bar, and they all needed to be perfect. Luckily, Angel wasn't alone in this endeavor. His brother Niss and best friend Cherri were there to support him. He will forever be grateful to Husker for putting Niss in charge of the outside security team, ensuring that no troublemakers would even get close to the entrance. Cherri, with her no-nonsense attitude, handled the inside security, keeping an eye on the crowd and making sure everything ran smoothly.

Angel took a moment to appreciate their help. They were his rock, his backup, and he was grateful for their unwavering support. Still, the enormity of the task at hand weighed on him. Running a nightclub was no small feat, and Angel was quickly learning just how much work it entailed. He marveled at how Husker managed to oversee an entire casino, a resort with countless amenities, a mini-golf course, and now, indirectly, the Ace of Clubs. Husker operated on another level, and Angel was determined to make him proud.

Angel glanced at his watch. Only a few hours left until opening. He took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves. This was his chance to prove himself, to show everyone that he was more than just a pretty face. He wanted to step up, to be worthy of Husker's love and trust.

He walked back through the nightclub, taking in every detail. The decorations were perfect, a blend of classy and edgy that suited the place well. The dance floors gleamed, waiting for the crowd to flood in. The DJ was setting up, testing the sound system, and the lighting crew was making final adjustments. Everything was coming together, and Angel felt a swell of pride.

As he passed by the entrance, Niss gave him a thumbs-up, his expression serious but supportive. Angel nodded back, grateful for his brother's steady presence. Inside, Cherri was overseeing the final security checks, her sharp eyes missing nothing. She caught Angel's eye and winked, her way of saying, "We've got this."

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