Chapter 5 - The Oldest Established

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Harry Potter characters created by JK Rowling. I only own Essie and her family. I also don't own Sky Masterson or any other Guys and Dolls character. I also don't own the plot of Harry Potter or Guys and Dolls. But I wish I did.

Chapter 5

The next few weeks were mundane; everyone was just getting settled back into the school routine, really. It was the day before Halloween when everyone had begun to settle. James was getting back into the swing of seeing Lily every day; Remus was getting back into the swing of homework and I was getting back into the swing of trying to focus on my homework - which was hard when I had James moaning in my ear.

It was a Friday evening, we were sat in the Gryffindor common room and I was trying to do my Ancient Runes translation, Remus was doing another essay (it might've been Runes too: I didn't keep track) and James was dramatically sighing next to me and complaining because he'd just asked Lily out for the first time in a week and she'd declined because she's "not ready yet."

"Well, at least she didn't shout in your face this time, Prongs." I half-heartedly attempted to comfort him whilst keeping my focus on the passage we'd been given to translate.

"That is an improvement." He considered this, then turned to Remus, "what am I doing wrong, Moony?"

"Have you considered not asking her out as much?" Remus responded as he looked up at James who was now leaning on the table we were sat at.

"Yes," James said, "Essie told me not to. So I didn't for a week. Do you think that if I stopped asking her out then she might start liking me?"

"You can come off as a bit much when you're asking her out regularly," I told him, "I reckon if you don't ask her out now, in about a month, she'll wonder why you're not asking her out anymore." I commented, still trying to focus on the runes in front of me.

"A month?!" James paused momentarily, "But how will that help?"

"Because once you've stopped being annoying, you can be quite attractive, Prongsie-poo." I stated.

"So when can I ask Lily out again, then?" James enquired; keen to get a yes from the girl he'd fawned over for several years. I exchanged a knowing look with Remus: Lily would get really angry and with this built up anger end up asking James out herself.

"We'll let you know." I smiled as Sirius walked into the common room, trying to get what seemed to be old potion off his robes.

"Whose detention was it today then, Padfoot?" I asked, as he launched himself over the back of the sofa that the Marauders had 'claimed.'

"Slughorn. I had to clear out all of the cauldrons without magic." He complained, I was not dealing with another complaining boy today. I looked over at Remus with a look that said 'help me' and he just laughed. I knew I would get a full-blown description of what a hardship it was to clean the cauldrons without magic down in Professor Slughorn's classroom. After about ten minutes of Sirius' excruciatingly detailed account of cleaning the cauldrons and muffled laughter from James, Remus and Peter (who had joined the boys in the middle of Sirius' story) on the other side of the sofa, the story of Padfoot's detention was over.

"So, how was Prongs and Moony sitting? Oh, Wormy's back!" Sirius finally threw the speaking baton to me, although I wouldn't admit it out loud, I was getting tired of hearing Sirius' voice.

"James and Remus were very well behaved, thanks for asking. Peter got here literally as you began your story, are you that oblivious to your surroundings?" I answered him, raising an eyebrow.

"Apparently so." Sirius responded, before looking around the common room. "Where's McKinnon?"

"Marlene is in the dorm with Lily and Alice. Why? Got something to confess, Sirius?" I wiggled my eyebrows as I told him where Marlene was.

"What? No, I mean, it's just that we've been assigned to be partners for a Muggle Studies project." Sirius fumbled over his excuse for wanting to know Marlene's whereabouts.

"Sure, Sirius. I'm going to bed - Night lads." I called as I got up and headed for the girls' dormitories. As I walked up the stairs, I heard Remus respond 'Night Essie,' before the other boys followed suit and I smiled to myself. Boys really were stupid.

Once I'd made it to the seventh year dorms, I was greeted with girlish laughter and I saw Marlene, Alice and Lily all wearing their pyjamas sat in a circle on duvets in the middle of the room, sweets and sweet wrappers scattered everywhere.

"Essie!" Lily exclaimed as she saw me walk towards them. "We're having a girly sleepover, do you want to join us?" I gave her a cheeky grin.

"Duh, I got bored hanging out with the boys, but Sirius had detention so he obviously had to tell me every single thing that happened whilst he had detention." I explained as I quickly changed into my pyjamas and joined the girly circle.

"So, what have I missed?" I asked; munching on a chocolate frog I picked up.

"Well, Alice and Frank kissed." Marlene informed me nonchalantly.

"What?" I cried, in happiness before realising that I was a tad loud so I lowered my voice to a whisper. "That's so great, Alice!"

"Yeah, I know." Alice blushed a bit and tucked some hair behind her ear. "I think he might ask me out tomorrow."

"That's so cute!" I gushed. It was nice to be girly sometimes. Hanging around with the boys all the time got a bit tedious.

"So, Marlene," I started, Marlene looked up when she heard her name, "Sirius asked where you were. Care to fill me in on as to why he wanted to know your whereabouts?" Marlene looked slightly shocked that either I would mention it or that Sirius would do that.

"I honestly have no idea. Did he really say that?" Marlene looked a bit flustered.

"Of course, he really said it, Mar. Would I lie to you?" I rested my hands under my chin and fluttered my eyelashes.


"Well, have confidence in knowing that I'm telling you the truth." I smiled at her sincerely.

"Okay then, that's great." She grinned at me. "So, how are you and Remus?"

"Wait, hold the phone." I heard Marlene and Alice both ask Lily what a phone was, "You think there's something going on with me and Remus?"

"Obviously!" Alice chirped. "You two are always teasing each other and are so comfortable around each other you may as well be a couple. Plus, you think he's really hot."

"I do not!" I protested, only to be broken by the knowing stares of my roommates. "Okay, so maybe I do - but that doesn't mean we have something going on!"

"But you fancy him, right?" Lily asked, smirking at me. I thought about it. Remus was lovely, but I don't think that I fancied him. He was my best friend, who was really good looking. So what if I sometimes wondered what his lips tasted like? Or if I wondered what it would be like if we were in a relationship? Or if I sometimes got a feeling of wooziness when he looked really cute?

Oh Merlin.

A/N: Hellooooo! I'm sorry that I haven't updated in a week - I don't even have an excuse, I'm just a lazy hoe. I'm also sorry that this is really short - I plan on writing the rest of the sleepover in the next chapter (mainly because the song title fits, unlike this chapter.) I started writing this a little while ago and I only just completed it today - I hope this lives up to your standards. I know that I said in the first chapter that I didn't want it to be based around one Marauder - I like it being a surprise. Also, I should probably have written in Dorcas Meadowes but I didn't. Which is a shame because in other fics, sometimes Dorcas is my fave. Anyway, feel free to comment - I'd really like to know opinions. Hope you liked it! Much love, goodbye dear friends! xxx

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