Chapter 2. Truth in the fables

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What on earth... The three faces hadn't moved, they just stood there staring. My brain couldn't think, I sat there frozen, couldn't move an inch which was annoying because I would do anything to run away from them right now.

"Hello!" the smallest of the three, a girl came up to me and held out her hand. 

Instinctively I flinched back, hitting into a really small coffee table. Ava quickly jumped to my side and grabbed a hold of my arm, burying her face into my side.

"Oh, um sorry to scare you." The girl looked confused and moved to the other two's side.

"See look what you've done, scaring them half to death and then yanking them here. They are terrified!" The older lady turned to the man, her hands on her hips which were hidden by her puffy dress, glaring straight into his eyes. Facing an inch away from his elongated nose. I hadn't realised before but all three of them were tiny, the talest would just reach past my hip.

"Not my fault they could 'ear us love, we had to get them 'ere for safety. I think safety is better than comfort. Now will you excuse me, I need to get their mother too."

"Hmph! Well lucky for her she doesn't scare easily, so don't you go pulling that trick again."

"I will do whatever is nessesary" Turning around he walked straight through the brick wall.

huh? I gasped, eyes wide with shock. I'm hallucinating aren't I. Maybe I did trip and bang my head on the wall, and now imagining all of this....this, I dont know crazy stuff.

"Sorry about that, darlings. It will all become clear in a second. Why don't we get you all a nice hot chocolate. Come on dear." The lady waved to the younger girl who then followed closely behind. 

Now that all three, what were they? creatures? they didn't look all that human. Maybe they were just midgets. Well anyway, now they were gone I could finally start to think. Looking around, we were all sitting in a small room, when I say small, I dont just mean the size of the room but the size of everything. The tables were tiny and could pass for a seat, the actual seats looked like a chair for a toddler. There were two small mugs sitting on the table and a small lit fire emitting only a small amount of heat infront of us. All of the curtains were drawn shut, hiding us from the outside.

"We've been kidnappes havent we?!" Kaeli finally moved and was also looking around. "Oh darn we are kidnapped!. Kaeli jumped up and started to look around the room, first place she went to was the wall, thank goodness I wasn't the only one who saw the man go through it.

"Come here for a second Ariana."

Standing up, my knees and legs were to wobbly with fright and shock, I had to get help from Ava, who's face was ghostly white, eyes practically bulging out of her head in fear.

"Its alright, we will be fine." I tried to sound confident for her, but my voice was still a little shaky and said otherwise.

"This must be some sort of trick door." Kaeli was tapping and knocking on the wall, trying to find some thing to activate it.

"Wait, If we have been kidnapped, Why aren't we running away?!" I ran to the nearest window and opened the curtains. Woah!, were on earth are we! The street was filled with minimal small houses, most of them had wooden doors and each house was painted a very vibrant, bright colour. The scenery was a very mountainous place covered in trees, it looked as though we were surrounded by forest.
I have been all around my street, taking walks or running errands, but this place was very foreign too me. Shaking my head, it doesn't matter where we are. What matters is that we get the hell out of here.

"Quickly!" Ava and Kaeli ran over to me and started to open the window. I picked Ava up and was hurriedly passing her through. She was my main priority.

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