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Jiang Qi's birthday, Zhang Duan gave him a day off very humanely, and Li Lin also came to pick him up.

In the car, Li Lin said to him: "Today you have officially become a thirty-year-old mature man, and the things in the studio are also progressing in an orderly manner, if you don't want to take over the drama after this movie is finished, it doesn't matter, I have already started looking for a newcomer......"

Li Lin output a lot by herself, but she didn't get a response, she glanced to the side and found that Jiang Qi was distracted:" Do you hear me speak, what do you think? "

Huh? Jiang Qi came back to his senses, "It's all right, do as you say." Qiao

Zhuyu was not in the crew in the past two days, and he didn't call or send him a message, Jiang Qi knew that Qiao Zhuyu was busy with family affairs, and he didn't dare to disturb her.

But it's been two days.

It's still his birthday.

"That's fine. Li Lin nodded, "You can just send two photos, just take them as birthday benefits, remember to send them good-looking."

Jiang Qi listened to the end, didn't know the previous situation, and was at a loss when he heard the words: "What benefits?" "

I know you didn't listen to me," Li Lin stepped on the brake in front of the red light, "It's your birthday, and you haven't sent a Weibo yet, give your fans a peace and joy, the old show will be posted every year, I see you holding your mobile phone for so long, I thought you were thinking about what to post." He

really didn't think about it, he was holding his mobile phone, just to not miss Qiao Zhuyu's news.

But Li Lin's words provided Jiang Qi with ideas, he said: "Okay, I'll send it now." With that

, Jiang Qi unlocked his phone, opened Weibo, and began to pick up photos.

Li Lin saw Jiang Qi's concentration and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

Shouldn't she let Jiang Qi post Weibo by herself?

She still has to drive, and she can't put more thought into managing Jiang Qi, so she can only pray in her heart, praying that Jiang Qi is already thirty years old and can do something to come out.

Jiang Qi picked and chose in the album, and in the recent photos, hundreds of them were Qiao Zhuyu.

When Qiao Zhuyu was working, when Qiao Zhuyu was cooking, when Qiao Zhuyu was dozing off with a storyboard......

And him and Qiao Zhuyu.

Jiang Qi pointed his finger over and over it, and he didn't pick it out for a while, muttering: "How can Weibo only post eighteen ...... at most"

Li Lin heard it on the side, and almost lost his strength under his feet, and flew out with one foot.

"Two is not enough, four or five is too much, eighteen is not enough, what are you trying to do? Do you think of Weibo as an exhibition? "

Don't talk, it's noisy. Jiang Qi frowned.

Li Lin: "......"

Her hand touched the center console, as if she was touching a ventilator, and finally let her click on the music.

"Nan Wu drink that Hello Heng that Hello Night, Nan Wu Ah Ya ......"

The Great Compassion Mantra sounded in the carriage, like a timely rain, Li Lin let out a sigh of relief, and his restless heart gradually calmed down.

Jiang Qizai carefully selected eighteen pictures, each of which was carefully edited, and when he saw the final result, he sent it with satisfaction, and said to Li Lin at the same time: "When you go back, you go buy some soothing brain pills and the like, and put them on my account."
Li Lin,
who was so angry that his brain was about to be opened by the soothing brain pill, silently recited countless times to clear his heart: "My Buddha is merciful, my Buddha is merciful, my Buddha is merciful, I can't move the killing thought......"

Jiang Qi didn't want to go anywhere on this day off, Li Lin simply sent him home.

The car stopped outside the villa in the middle of the lake, and Jiang Qi was driven down by Li Lin: "Go back!"

Then, Li Lin hurriedly logged on to Weibo, wanting to see what Jiang Qi had posted again.

But after seeing Jiang Qi's Weibo, Li Lin's eyes moistened.

Each of the eighteen pictures is a detail deducted from the original complete picture, and only the tips of the characters' fingers can be seen.

Pick up an egg scone at a steaming street stall in the early morning.

Gently tickle the little head of the yellow kitty on the set.

The pencil writes and draws a Jiang Qi on the white paper.

Carefully place two bright red cherries on the sides of the fried foie gras.

Raise your phone to take a picture of the curling green smoke rising from the chimney in the distance.

Everyone in this is Qiao Zhuyu.

Jiang Qi didn't release the complete photo, but just showed the usual things she would do every day, and the lettering was very simple.

[There are fireworks in the world, there are you in the fireworks, you are by my side, I miss you very much. There

is no information about his thirtieth birthday, and the fans who have been waiting for him to post on Weibo, ready to bless in the comments at any time, are stunned, what is the owner of their family doing?

Li Lin said: "What birthday is not as important as missing."

She looked out of the car, Jiang Qi's back walking towards the door of the villa, and said softly: "But in the other person, you are the most important."

Jiang Qi entered the password, pushed open the door of the villa, and after seeing the situation inside, his footsteps stopped.

It was still daylight outside, but it was dark inside, and all the windows were heavily curtained, so that no sunlight could shine in at all.

He subconsciously raised his hand to turn on the light, and the switch clicked, but it was not the top light that lit up.

Starting from the entrance, a path leading to the stairs is laid out on the ground with glowing figures.

Jiang Qi squatted down and picked up a villain at his feet.

The villain is about 30 centimeters tall, and when I look closely, I find that this villain is made of small puzzle pieces, hollow inside, with a small lamp, like other villains, with warm yellow lights.

On the entire first floor, Jiang Qi counted them, and there were a total of twelve villains made of puzzles.

Each one is Jiang Qi.

From Jiang Qi's eighteen to thirty years old.

Jiang Qi walked forward along this road, and on the stairs leading to the second floor, two villains would be placed at each end of the steps every three steps.

On one side is Jiang Qi, and on the other side is Qiao Zhuyu.

Jiang Qi, who was from eighteen to thirty years old, was accompanied by another person.

In the small living room on the second floor, the projector was being shown, and Jiang Qi looked at the wall, which showed a collection of all the characters that Jiang Qi had played since his debut at the age of nineteen until now.

This collection Jiang Qi has never seen before, it is definitely not a fan clip, and the style looks very much like Qiao Zhuyu's handwriting.

The video is more than 40 minutes long, and it should be repeated all the time.

Jiang Qi stood in place and finished reading, and unconsciously, he felt that his heart was sore and blockedTarget.

Continue to walk up the stairs on the second floor, this time the sides of the steps are no longer what Jiang Qi looked like when he grew up.

Starting from a little kid who walks and waddles in open crotch pants, to riding a bicycle through the way to school, sitting in the classroom in a school uniform and studying hard.

This is Jiang Qi before the age of eighteen.

It is Jiang Qi in Qiao Zhuyu's imagination.

On the other side of the steps, Qiao Zhuyu grew up, wearing two pigtails and crying and carrying a schoolbag, bouncing in a good-looking princess dress for the first time, because of her bad grades, she lay on the table and autistic herself after every exam......

They grew up together on opposite sides of the world.

It continued to the fourth floor, and the villain was gone.

Most of the fourth floor is a terrace, and there is only one attic that connects the staircase to the terrace, but the attic is also dim now.

Jiang Qi put a sofa here, and in the silent attic at the moment, only the sofa came from the sound of steady breathing.

Jiang Qi walked over through the faint light, and in the wide and soft sofa, there was the person he had been thinking about for two days.

Qiao Zhuyu slept very soundly, and she knew that she must have put together so many puzzles for a long, long time, and she had to arrange and edit the video.

All the thoughts began to change the moment they entered the villa, and the moment they saw Qiao Zhuyu, the thoughts disappeared, leaving only the distress.

"Silly girl. Jiang Qi said softly, his voice was choked up without him realizing it.

He took the blanket that he put aside and covered Qiao Zhuyu, and accidentally found a button she was holding tightly in her hand.

Jiang Qi took the button from Qiao Zhuyu's hand, and curiosity drove him to press it.

In the next second, a bright blue galaxy appeared on the ceiling of the attic, illuminating the entire room.

The nebula and sea of stars that Jiang Qi likes are all gathered in front of him, and they can be found without a telescope, just a stone's throw away, within reach.

Just when Jiang Qi was shocked, Qiao Zhuyu was dazzled by the starlight, frowned slightly, opened her eyes slightly, and saw Jiang Qi's jawline.

Qiao Zhuyu didn't expect Jiang Qi to come back so early, and planned to personally accompany him to see the birthday gift, but now it has become Jiang Qi alone.

She propped herself up and crashed into Jiang Qi's eyes when she turned her face to look at him.

"Happy birthday, Mr. Jiang.

Qiao Zhuyu smiled and said seriously.

With the sky full of stars above his head and the person in front of him, Jiang Qi hugged Qiao Zhuyu into his arms and whispered, "I'm very happy."

Qiao Zhuyu also reached out and hugged him: "Hmm." "

I don't need more words, just so quietly, all the thanks and love are melted into this hug, no matter how many words are not as solid as this moment, it is more reassuring.

Qiao Zhuyu set these puzzles when she was still in the crew, fought for a whole day and night, and then asked someone to change the route, find a video and cut the video by herself, and finally completed all the gifts on the day of Jiang Qi's thirtieth birthday.

She also specially called Li Lin and asked Li Lin to send Jiang Qi home, but don't tell Jiang Qi what she was doing.

This was her surprise to Jiang Qi, so much so that in the past two days, she still didn't know anything about all the news about her on the Internet, and she didn't make any response.

She is the same as Jiang Qi, those people and things on the Internet cannot be seen or touched, and they are far less important than the people around her.

No matter how many hot searches and readings there are, they are not as surging as their thoughts and love.

Jiang Qi accompanied Qiao Zhuyu to stay in the villa in the middle of the lake for a day, either snuggling up to the fourth floor to watch the stars, or watching Jiang Qi on the second floor.

It's been like this for a day, and I don't even feel bored.

In the evening, Qiao Zhuyu also specially baked a small cake for Jiang Qi.

Originally, Jiang Qi didn't want it, he didn't want Qiao Zhuyu to work so hard, but Qiao Zhuyu insisted on doing it, so Jiang Qi had to discuss with her and make a very small one.

"How can you ever have a birthday without eating cake? Qiao Zhuyu said with cream lace.

Jiang Qi leaned on the side of the flow table, and said indifferently when he heard the words: "I don't care about this so much."

When he touched Qiao Zhuyu's eyes, Jiang Qi immediately changed his words: "But what you do is different."

Qiao Zhuyu was satisfied, snorted her nose, pushed the finished small cake in front of Jiang Qi, and put a candle in it to light it: "Okay, make a wish."

Jiang Qi reverently closed his eyes and folded his hands.

My wish is to hope that Qiao Zhuyu will be happy every day, be safe all her life, and never be separated.

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