Chapter Three

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A/N: I know this has taken me a while to update, but I've been very busy with musical practices, family things, schoolwork, and studying for the exams at the end of the year, so please bear with me! It's almost summer, so I'll be able to update more often.

This chapter will actually be kind of short and almost pointless, but I'm working into the story. Sorry if it's boring. I'm trying, really! Thanks for reading it, though!

I hope you enjoy it!

It was dark. Something was over my head and I couldn't see a thing. My initial instinct was to panic and scream for my life, but I quickly decided against that when the bag was removed from my head. 

"Emyli Taelors," a preppy voice said. "Altos." Surrounding me were candles. In front of me stood the group of girls that I recognized as the Bellas. I spotted Beca and she grinned at me.

"Alice Jace," the same voice continued. "Sopranos."

The bags now removed from Alice's and my heads, the voice's owner moved in front of us and said, "Welcome to the Bellas."

Alice and I both shared excited glances; we had actually made it! I knew that Alice would, but I had been more worried about me.

"Repeat after me," the blond who had been talking before said. "I, state your name."

"I, Emyli Taelors."

She continued, "Take an oath to the Bellas."

"Take an oath to the Bellas."

She finished with, "To never, under any circumstances, be sexually or romantically involved with a Treblemaker, or may my vocal chords be ripped out by wolves."

I furrowed my eyebrows as I repeated her confused.

"Wait!" Beca interrupted, jumping out in front of the blond. "Aubrey, you said you changed it!"

"I did," the girl named Aubrey replied. "A little."

"No you didn't!" Beca protested, waving her hand out. "You know that I'm dating Jesse! Everyone knows that!"

"Rules are rules, Beca," Aubrey stated in a proper tone. I already was growing to dislike her. "You can't date Jesse."

"Come on!" she yelled, getting angry, but I could hear the heartbreak in her voice. "Please!"

"Come on," I stepped up, standing beside her. "She and Jesse are perfect together. You can't take that away from them." My voice was calm, trying to sort everything out without getting upset.

"I can't take Jesse away from her," Aubrey admitted. "But I can take the Bellas away."

"Please, Aubrey!" Beca was nearly begging now. I could see her breaking right before my eyes. Her voice was growing weaker. "Please."

"Rules are rules," Aubrey repeated. "I'm sorry." She didn't sound sorry at all. She actually had a sort of smirk on her lips.

"Rules can change!" Beca shouted in a heartbreaking voice. Beca must have really loved this group; she never took anything from anyone.

I couldn't believe the other girls were all just watching. I didn't blame Alice, she didn't know Beca or Jesse, but obviously the previous Bellas knew them both. Why weren't they standing up for her?

Beca was apparently done with the rules, at least for the moment. She ran out of whatever room we were in (I still had no clue where we were) without a glance back.

I pursed my lips and shook my head at them. You're not making a very good first impression on me," I said. "She's perfectly happy with Jesse, and she was perfectly happy with the Bellas. But you went and pulled that stunt, and now you probably just lost her."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2013 ⏰

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