7- Pineapple

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Unfortunately, I didn't have any more good days. I got sicker and sicker after that Christmas dinner.

It was December 28th and I was currently lying in bed, just trying to break the fever with my mystical powers.

I envisioned a board that says Fever on it. Then I envisioned myself attempting to break the board with my karate chop but it was too thick.

That was how bad it was. I couldn't eat, I had no energy, so I mostly slept and talked to Connor who was there every single day.

My doctor came in and I greeted him weakly. "Hi, Riley," We started discussing solutions. "We could have a donor with your blood type to donate some blood from his bone marrow but the chances of surviving it is very slim,"

I shook my head. "I'm not willing to take the chance. If I'm already dying, shouldn't you just leave me be?" The doctor took off his glasses and blew out distress.

"The problem is that a lot of people care for you. We had calls saying that we should do as much as we can to help you get better. It's just up to your body,"

I blinked ,slowly registering what he just said. "Because the chemo didn't work, you think that the blood marrow transplant will kill me?" I asked. The doctor nodded hesitantly.

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. "Can't you just give me a pill to kill me peacefully?" I asked, tears running down my face.

The doctor furrowed his eyebrows in sympathy. "Only if your mom allows it and I know she won't," I started sobbing after the doctor left.

"Good things happen to good people, my butt," I fell asleep as the heavy dose of morphine put me to sleep.

A lot more people visited me in the last few months than in the 2 and a half years. I was grateful, but that wasn't going to keep me alive. I didn't tell anyone any of the information that I had required.

And I'm grateful that the doctor didn't tell anyone either. I know it would be heart breaking if they found out and I wasn't willing to make everyone sad.

I wasn't really afraid of death. I was just tired of living. Living in pain and fear. I'm tired of suffering so I was okay with the fact that I was going to die.

"Let's spend New Years Eve and New Years together," Connor bounced into my room, filling it with excitement. I could feel myself getting giddy, when I remembered that I couldn't leave. It was December 30th and New Years Eve was the next day.

"Connor, I hate to let you down buddy," I said hoarsely. "But I'm too sick to go anywhere,"

Connor's smile dimmed a little bit. "That's okay, we can just go to the park and watch the fireworks," I nodded. "Actually we can go to the park and watch the ball drop from there and watch the fireworks,"

I nodded again. "That sounds like a plan," Another problem was that the doctor would be watching me. But Phillip and Miranda can cover for me.

Connor wheeled me into a game's room in the hospital. My favourite song was playing and I don't care if anyone judges me for it.

"This is my favourite song," I told Connor. He gave me a strange look. "It's the Mii song," "It's so catchy. Like elevator music," I hummed along.

Connor snorted and shook his head. "You really are something, Riley James," "Don't you know it Connor Beaumont," I winked at him and tipped my imaginary hat.

We went to the PS4 and Connor put in the Mortal Kombat CD that I had given him 5 days ago on Christmas.

I picked a girl named Jade and Connor picked classic Scorpion. "You are going down," I laughed at Connor's antics. "I should be the one saying that because you're already 6 feet under,"

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