Chapter 7

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"Abraham!" I shouted, jolting upright from the bed, my heart racing with fear and confusion. Gasping for air, I struggled to catch my breath, the echoes of my cries still ringing in my ears. The room was bathed in warm sunlight, casting a gentle glow that illuminated my tear-stained face, a stark contrast to the darkness that lingered in my heart.

As I looked around the room, the familiar surroundings of my bedroom came into focus, a sanctuary of solace and comfort that offered a semblance of peace in the wake of the haunting dream. Still dressed in my nightgown, I sat on the edge of the bed, my hands trembling as I tried to steady my racing heart and quell the storm of emotions that raged within me.

Turning to the mirror that was situated before my bed, I met my gaze, the reflection of a face dampened by tears shed in the depths of a nightmare. The traces of sorrow and fear lingered in my eyes, a haunting reminder of the pain and anguish that had gripped my soul in the dream. Running a hand through my hair, I held onto my head, seeking solace and grounding in the reality of the present moment.

"It was just a dream," I whispered to myself, the words a balm to my troubled soul, a recognition of the fleeting nature of the nightmare that had haunted my sleep. The weight of the sadness and confusion that had plagued me in the dream slowly lifted, replaced by a sense of relief and gratitude for the reality that surrounded me. In that moment of quiet reflection, I found solace in the knowledge that the darkness of the dream was just that - a dream, a fleeting shadow that dissolved in the light of day.

My room, a sanctuary of solace and comfort, was adorned in a soft palette of colours, the walls painted in a soothing shade that reflected the morning light. The gentle rays of sunlight streamed through the window, casting a warm glow that illuminated the space, coaxing the shadows into retreat. The atmosphere carried a sense of tranquillity, a quiet refuge from the outside world, offering a respite from the turmoil that had plagued my dreams.

As I breathed and sighed, I slowly rose from the bed, my movements weighted with a mix of exhaustion and lingering sorrow. With each step, I walked towards the bathroom, the cool tiles underfoot providing a grounding sensation that anchored me in the present moment. I reached out and grabbed a towel, its soft fabric offering a touch of comfort and familiarity during my emotional turmoil.

Turning to the mirror before me, I gazed into its reflective surface, my eyes drawn to the image that stared back at me. Puffy eyes and cheeks, remnants of the tears shed in my sleep, marred my face, a testament to the sadness and grief that had consumed my dreams. My nose felt dry from the tears, a reminder of the emotional release that had washed over me in the depths of the night.

As I checked my body temperature, a sense of unease settled over me. My fever, a remnant of the cold that had gripped me the day before, still lingered a physical manifestation of the emotional turmoil that had wracked my being. The heat radiating from my body spoke of the internal battle that was waged within, a mix of sadness, confusion, and longing that threatened to consume me.

At that moment, as I stood before the mirror, my emotions were raw and palpable, a whirlwind of sadness and despair that clouded my thoughts. The weight of the night's dreams and the physical symptoms of my fever served as a poignant reminder of the pain and vulnerability that filled my heart. The reflection in the mirror captured the depth of my sorrow, a silent witness to the tears shed and the emotional storm that raged within me.

"Abraham," I whispered, my voice choked with emotion as tears welled up in my eyes. The yearning to meet him in person, to express the depth of my feelings face-to-face, weighed heavily on my heart. I longed to be by his side, to share in the joys and sorrows, to be his pillar of support through thick and thin. He was the one I was destined to marry, the one with whom I saw a future filled with love and happiness.

Turning my gaze towards my reflection in the mirror, a pang of self-doubt and insecurity washed over me. The image that stared back at me seemed disorganized and unappealing, the disarray of my appearance mirroring the turmoil within my soul. I felt a deep sense of dissatisfaction with my reflection, a belief that I looked awful and unworthy of love and admiration.

The mirror reflected a dishevelled version of myself, my hair unkempt and tangled, a reflection of the chaos that churned within me. My face, marred by tear stains and redness, bore the weight of the sadness and self-doubt that consumed my thoughts. In my eyes, I saw a glimmer of pain and longing, a reflection of the loneliness and longing that tugged at my heartstrings.

The harsh judgment I held towards myself, the belief that I appeared ugly and unattractive, cast a shadow over my self-esteem. The sadness that filled my heart spilt over into my perception of my physicality, distorting the way I saw myself in the mirror. It was a reflection of the inner turmoil and self-criticism that plagued my mind, clouding my ability to see the beauty that resided within me.

In that moment, as I looked upon my reflection, I yearned for the strength to embrace my worthiness, to see beyond the imperfections and to recognize the beauty that lay within me. The sadness in my gaze spoke of the pain and self-doubt that I carried, a reflection of the struggle to find self-acceptance and love.

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