Chapter 3

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With less than one minute on the clock Katana grabs the last puzzle piece from Kimmy. She quickly swims to the top but then feels a sharp pain wrap around her ankle. Something was sinking their teeth into her. Katana starts to panic because she wasn't just running out of time she was also running out of air. She looks down at her ankle and sees what appears to be an underwater spider but it also looks like an octopus. But that didn't matter, the pain was so infuriating. 

Determined, she starts to kick the creature after a few kicks and almost no air left the creature lets go. Blood starts to mix with the water as Katana swims to the surface. She chucks the puzzle piece to KitKat. KitKat places it down into the last spot. The timer disappears. KitKat & Bella sigh with relief. Katana crawls out of the pit, soaking wet and covered in blood. "Far out" Katana looks at her ankle. "I'll be alright" Katana wraps her shirt around the cuts and applies pressure. Kimmy & Anubis were suddenly back in the room. 

"That was close," Kimmy says relieved, Anubis nods in agreement. Bella looks at Katana with worry. "If this is only the first room... then what will be next?" Katana shrugs. Suddenly, they hear a shriek followed by knives slashing in another room that made everyone's spine shiver.

 "I'm not the only one that heard that right?" Lach says "I guess we're not alone" Katana says. Anubis nods in agreement. KitKat then lifts up a trapdoor. "Where did that come from?" Kimmy asks "That's not the point. Who's going first?" KitKat shakes her head and looks at Bella. "Please not me again" Bella begs, her voice shaking.

 "I'll go" Kimmy anticipates and crawls through the trap door the space slowly gets tighter and tighter. Everyone follows behind closely. The musty smell of old wood fills the tight space. "I hope no-one is claustrophobic" Kimmy calls down the tunnel. There were whispers filling the cracks of the tunnel. Nothing was silent. 

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