The Point Of No Return

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Now I'm mad that the guy only gave us 45 for it. We definitely could've used the extra 15 but I guess that he needed to make a profit of his own.

Damn it, stop thinking about the money!

"Look at him. He can't even deny it," I hear Miguel say as soon as I decide to tune back in. He looks like all he wants to do is leap over Jackson and beat my ass right here. Miguel isn't scrawny either; he has the build of a fighter that tells me that he probably could kick my ass if not for Jackson. I know it wasn't the most expensive one in his collection but by how angry he is right now, I can see that the watch must have meant something to him.

I have no idea what sentimental value it had but I know that there's no way I can even get it back to him. Honestly, I feel guilty for stealing it. I completely forgot about that but looking back, I realise that taking Miguel's watch was not one of my brightest moments. He never liked me from the start but that doesn't change the fact that he will always be Jackson's best friend. Getting along with him would actually be in my best interest but I've officially ruined the chance for any of that now.

The guy wants to rip me to shreds and I can't help the heavy sigh that escapes my lips. I'm just so sick of feeling like I can't catch a break. I mean, I'm sorry for doing it but I just don't need this shit right now. I've only recently reconciled with Jackson and now even more bullshit is coming our way. I know how this might be changing his thoughts and feelings towards me. It's all happening so fast and one after the other that I feel like I really can't keep this up any longer.

Jackson looks back at me the same way he did last night. He doesn't have to say anything but I know what he's asking with his eyes. He wants to know if I really did it. "That's ridiculous. I'd never do anything like that," I lie effortlessly. It concerns me how easily the words slip out of my mouth. It's like lying has just become second nature to me and in that moment, I realise that I don't want to do this anymore. I've lied to all of those women, I'm lying to Jackson right now, and to some extent I've even been lying to myself.

I don't want to be this person anymore but at the same time, I can't go telling the truth now. I'm in too deep and confessing to this would ruin what I have been building with Jackson. I have to stick to my story but it seems like I can't lie to Miguel though. He isn't having it at all.

"You expect me to believe that?! Cut the shit, Jeremiah. Where the FUCK is my watch?!" he roars out, causing even more heads to turn. His voice is deep and powerful and I see how it makes a few of the ladies jump in their seats. Miguel doesn't even seem to give a damn about scaring his customers. He keeps his fists balled and his hostile hazel eyes dead set on me. Honestly, I'm a little intimidated by him but I try my best not to show it for fear of looking guilty.

"Miguel, maybe you misplaced it?" Jackson offers.

"No! I didn't misplace it, he stole it from me!"

I'm surprised that Jax is even on my side right now. He's still trying to see the best in me despite everything that happened but I know that feeling won't last long. Nobody wants to be with somebody whose always got some shit going on and this is only the tip of the iceberg. This life as Jeremiah Johnson is slowly unraveling and it's only a matter of time before it all comes crashing down.

I should just give up while I'm still ahead. I can still stop before this life completely crumbles. Everything doesn't seem to be working out the way that it should but I can't bring myself to throw in the towel just yet.

"Man, there were so many people at that party. How the fuck can you blame me for this?" I'm cool as a cucumber when I ask him this. Stealing the watch may have been impulsive but it was not sloppily done. I made sure to scope the place out before I even tried to take it so I know for a fact that there were no cameras that could've captured the moment. There were also no people around to corroborate these claims.

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