2. Rose?

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Dave set the box down."whmm"it made a noise again.Dave opened the box again.

He looked at the little trolls again he would have to call Rose to ask how to take care of them of course Rose had one named Kanaya and Her older sister (twin)owned one named Gamzee.

'They must be cold'he thought picking one up."holy shit"he said and then hoped Bro or Dirk didn't hear him.'I was wrong there not cold there freezing' he thought grabbing some blankets he wrapped the little trolls up.He picked up the box and thrown it away.

He set the trolls on his bed and picked up his phone.'1-910-345-3456'He dialed Rose's number.

"Hello Dave what would you be calling for at 5:00am?"she asked

"oh shit sorry I didn't know it was that early"he said looking at the time on his phone.She was right it was 5:00am.

"Yes,so again if I may ask why did you call?"she asked.

"Uh I just wanted to ask how do you take care of baby trolls"he said looking back at the trolls.

"Well they eat the same food as human baby's but the love apple suace.They Grow really fast so they need new clothes alot...wait why would you want to know all this?"she ended with a question.

"Look you can't tell Bro or Dirk but I found 2 baby trolls"he said.

"Ok well bring them by soon,I could tell you how old they are and give them a quick check up"she said.She proble asked because Shes going to be a troll doctor when Shes older.

"Ok"he call.

The say goodbye and end the call.

2 Free worthless unwanted babby troll's(davekat) {on hold}Where stories live. Discover now