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A/n: heyy y'all this is my first chapter🙈 so yeah.....

Kim Leah
bruh i cant believe i had to move to korea all because of my dads works that's so fucking annoying. if y'all are wondering, my dad is Korean and my mom is Australian. i lived in australia but i have to move to korea which is honestly ass but....yeah.....i'm fluent in english and korean so i'll be alright i guess but things are gonna be so much different, it'll be weird. i did live in korea my 8th grade year so i know my way around seoul but i didn't go to that high school.

i'm on plane right now to korea, i've already been registered to a high school in Seoul, Korea so i'll be pretty much settled when we get there. a few weeks back when mom and dad bought the house we got in decorated and everything is set up for us.

im sure you can all tell that my family is rich, it's nice but i don't take it as something to brave about like my sister. my sister is 14 she's a 8th grader and she's a popular brat. i'm 17 and i'm a junior i have always been a quiet kid i guess you could say so everytime someone found out how wealthy my family was they would go crazy.

i'm actually scared to go to a new school this is my first and supposedly my last time moving and i start school tomorrow which is on monday.

i do already know one person though she was my internet best friend and we're meeting up today.

my sister already knows the whole city basically, i'm not saying i hate my sister but our relationship isn't the best and i rather keep my distance from her. my mom and dad only care about work so they're also so annoying, i usually stay in my room and keep to myself.

~time skip to when they're done getting settled in~

i was finally done packing and i was so tired but i was going to meet my best friend yang yunjin. i got off the floor left the house without saying anything to anybody, they don't care anyway.

me and yunjin had a lot of fun together at a cafe she told me about everyone at school and i met her friends. so now i know some stuff about the school and i got 5 friends.

my friends are yang yunjin, lee ryujin, lee haerin, kim taerin, and ace hanni.

i went home and got ready for bed and by the time i felt myself falling asleep it was 2 am. i rolled my eyes and tried to fall asleep because i needed to have a good day tomorrow.

~the next day~

my alarm woke me up and i got ready for school, ate, and left the house. i was driving to my friends house because i offered to take them to school everyday, it also gives me a reason to leave earlier.

i made it to ryujin's house then haerin, taerin, yunjin, and lastly because she was closer to school hanni.

we got to the school but we were 20 mins early so i had time to get my suedule, locker, and get showed around the school by my bestie yunjin.

the bell would ring in 5 minutes and i have my first class with my girly haerin but it was math like bro what the fuck that's lame as hell.

i walked into math class saying my goodbyes to my bae yunjin and hugging my baby haerin.

"heyyy baby," i said to haerin.

"heyy bestie, sit over here beside me."

i sat by her but there was another seat beside me that this boy sat at with his i'm assuming friend beside haerin.

"oh sorry leah this is lee know and jeongin," haerin said to me pointing at jeongin beside me and leeknow beside her.

"oh..?hey," i said kinda quiet.

"hey, you're pretty!," jeongin said smiling.

"awh thank you so much jeongin, you're very sweet," i said smiling due to the compliment.

"ouuu someone likes someone," haerin said shoving jeongin.

"noooo! im just saying she is pretty you're pretty to haerin," jeongin said as his smile faded.

i just laughed it off, we were still waiting for the teacher to come in they said he's always late and that's good because i hate math.

"hey, leeknow?," i said making sure i had his name right.

"yeah, hey," he said looking away coldly.

well damn fuck you too

"ooook," i said.

"is he a asshole or something," i whispered to haerin.

she laughed and said that's just how he is and i nodded.

the teacher came in and class had started. it was already boring. GET ME OUTTA HERE BRUH.

"may i use the bathroom," i said raising my hand.

"ugh sure you have 3 minutes, hurry," the math teacher said.

"yes sir."

i left the classroom running down the halls until i bump right into someone because i was on my phone. i stubbled back a little due to the hard impact.

i held my head and i apologized.

"i'm so sorry i should've looked where i was going," i said.

"no no no it's okay," he said looking up to me.

he was really beautiful, super handsome.

"i-im leah, kim leah."

"i'm, i'm han jisung," he said smiling at me.

i smiled back and told him i had to leave and go back to class he smiled and said i do too and we parted ways.

i walked back into class smiling and sitting back down.

"well what happened in the bathroom," haerin laughed and whispered to me but lee know heard her and started looking at us.

"i didn't go i just roamed the halls but i met someone," i laughed.

"whooooo," haerin asked.

i went to her ear cause i knew lee know was eavesdropping real bad and said "han jisung."

her eyes widened and she said that was her friend and lee know best friend.

i laughed and looked at lee know, his side profile was very pretty. i couldn't look away until jeongin tapped me.

"hey, you know you're staring hard right?"

"oh..sorry was i really," i asked embarrassed.

"yep but it's okay i dont think he noticed."

"you sure," i asked.

"nope," he responded.

"damn it."

"do you like him," jeongin asked.

"nooo i don't know him yet but i like his side profile it's pretty," i explained.

"ah yes," jeongin said putting his full attention on the lesson again.

A/n: well y'all that's the first chapter home y'all enjoyed it or whatever🙈

word count: 1126!

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