read !! this is super important to me !!

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Dude I need to yammer a bit and I just want you to walk in here with an OPEN MIND and not immediately slander me in the comment section because I believe everyone is entitled to their opinion and if you disagree with me that's fine but being rude in the comments is so dumb because I don't give a flying fuck if y'all  end up hating me after this, i'm deleting my account soon probably anyways

We need to talk a little bit about how I feel as a very frustrated lesbian in today's society.
First of all, I'd like to make one thing clear. I'm a cisgender. I cannot speak to other people's experiences with being transgender. I do have trans friends though and they tell me how they feel. 
Anyways, I'm gonna start with xenogenders. i'm sorry what the fuck I can't even take some of these seriously dude. so anyways those make me feel like a fucking joke for being a gay person and I know a LOT of gay/trans people feel the same way. this makes being trans look fun and silly and something you can just decide to be. I mean, being transgender isn't something you actually have control over. Usually this is actually classified as a chromosome disorder (no, trans people aren't disorders I'm just using broad terminology here because it's easier for me to think that way.) but sometimes it has to do with other things and conditions. I actually reccomend researching actual transgender terminology and what actually causes people to feel this way, it's very interesting and cool. anyways, people having these xenogenders kind of just skims over the fact that being trans isn't fun or silly  it's a painful experience that I really don't wish upon anyone. I mean, being gay is hard enough, dude.

Additionally, I want to talk about hypersexuality, which is a mental illness God blessed me with cause i'm his favourite apparently (Sarcasm). WHO THE FUCK. MADE A FLAG FOR IT. This is actually SUPER offensive to me because it's not anything to celebrate or be proud of. It's NOT GOOD. It's like making a flag for people who self harm. No one likes being hypersexual. It's not silly, it's not a sexuality, and it's not fun. It's something most hypersexual people hate themselves for. This fucks with your relationships, and gets in the way of daily life. Also, so many people on the internet alienize sexuality. I think it's great to be sexually active. But so many people on the internet  are like 'oh sex is bad' or 'ew I can't believe you even thought about sex when you were a kid' like dude your profile picture is a pride flag there's a good chance you've probably had at least one sexual thought about someone and that's okay because most of the population thinks about it too it's just so weird to me because sex is just another activity in my opinion it's just another thing that happens to relatively everyone. All in all, it's okay to feel like that. 

That's it for now but I might rant more later :)


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