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Kenji was running late, and he knew it. As he weaved through traffic on his motorcycle, Mina, the AI assistant he grew up with embedded in his helmet, was nagging him incessantly.

"Kenji, you're going to seem like you want to stand her up," Mina said in her robotic yet sassy tone.

"Wow! Well, no shit! That's why I'm driving this way!" Kenji snapped, accelerating as he glanced at the time. The restaurant, Sashimi & Ponzu, was still a few blocks away, and he could already imagine Y/N's annoyed expression.

"Just a reminder, Y/N hates being late," Mina continued, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "But, no pressure."

"I know, Mina! I don't need a guilt trip right now," Kenji grunted, his grip tightening on the handlebars.

"Well, if you hadn't spent so much time fixing your hair, we wouldn't be in this mess," Mina retorted. "You know, priorities."

Kenji rolled his eyes, maneuvering around a slow-moving car. "My hair was fine, okay? I just... lost track of time."

"Sure, blame the clock," Mina quipped. "Just remember, she's probably sitting there thinking you're the same unreliable guy she broke up with."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence," Kenji muttered, turning the corner sharply. The restaurant was in sight now. He could see the warm glow of the sign and the elegant entrance at night.

"Look, I'm just saying Kenji," Mina continued, her tone softening slightly. "You care about her, right? Then make sure she knows it."

Kenji sighed, finally pulling into the parking lot and bringing his motorcycle to a halt. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart.

Fixing his coat and trying to appear calm and collected.

"I know, Mina. I do care about her. I just... I hope it's not too late to show her that."

Calm and collected? With you? Never. You always made his heart race; every time he saw you, it was like hitting a home run.

As he walked into Sashimi & Ponzu, he immediately spotted Y/N at a table near the window. She looked breathtaking in her elegant red dress, her hair cascading in loose waves, curly parts being showcased.

"I love it when you do your hair like that Y/ look so stunning,"Kenji said, holding Y/N's face, and smiling.

"Oh yeah? Your mother helped me out a bit... didn't want to look like a mess for your conference gala!"

The reporter; Ken Sato(Ultraman) x fem! readerWhere stories live. Discover now