Mysterious Man

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After a brief moment, Gracie realized that she was not in her own bedroom,but instead, a cold, dark room. Gracie, cautiously, got out of the mysterious bed. A wave of dizziness struck her as she stood up. She stood in place for a minute, waiting for the dizziness to subside. Once it had blown over, she ever so carefully walked to the door of the room. Surprisingly she found it to be unlocked. As she slowly opened it, she noticed a long hallway, looking as though it was never ending. She guardedly walked down the long hallway. Unexpectedly, the same chilling air from before, surrounded her, yet it did not choke her, instead, a man materialized before her. Startled, Gracie tried to back away, but realized she was, again, frozen in spot. The mysterious man spoke and said to her, "do not be afraid my dear, Avalon, I would never hurt my own kin." Gracie was shocked by what he said. "His own kin? What the hell could he possibly mean by that?" Gracie thought to herself. Seeing, Gracie's confused face, the man spoke again, "Oh darling you must quite confused. Join me for breakfast and I'll explain everything to you then." Gracie reluctantly followed the man as he started walking in the direction of the kitchen. As she entered the kitchen/dining room area, she noticed that the table sat 4 people but it was only set for 3. "Please, have a seat. I will bring breakfast in a second," the man told her. Gracie listened to him, and sat down in the seat closest to the window. The man sat down across from her and set the food down in front of them. Throughout the meal and afterwards, the man explained all that he could. He explained how she was adopted and how he, her uncle, had been searching for years to find her. It was a little overwhelming for Gracie, at first, but it all started to make sense. No one in her family had dark hair and her nose looked different from theirs. It also explained why she went to a private school and why she had to keep her name a secret. After a while, the man, now know as Amirul or her uncle, stood up telling Gracie that she could freely roam the mansion and the garden outside as long as she stayed away from the locked rooms. She just nodded her head. She still had many questions such as why were her adopted parents hiding her, where are her birth parents, why was she given up for adoption, why was her uncle able to appear from thin air? Deciding she wouldn't be able to handle more answers, she got up and began to wonder the house. The rooms were pretty normal, a bathroom here, a bedroom there. She was about to end her little exploration when she found herself in front of what looked like a teenage boy's room. She tried the handle but found it locked to her disappointment. She decided that should have to ask about that room at dinner. Having nothing else to explore and having a few hours until dinner, Gracie went up to her new bedroom and went to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2015 ⏰

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