Michael Tells You How He Feels

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"Hey Mikey." You say smiling as he walks out the airport gate and into your hug. 

"Y/N!" He says squeezing you. 

"You're never allowed to leave again." You say still in his hug. 

"I won't. I promise." He says looking down at you. You smile at his green eyes. It inevitable that he will leave I mean this place isn't him home but, still it's good to have the reassurance. 

"So what's the plan?" 

"Well the girls wanna see their boyfriends so I thought we could all go out to dinner and then maybe split up and you and I could chill." 

"Sounds good." 

     The group goes to Cheese Cake Factory. The band is rudely reminded that they are in America when they are not permitted alcohol. Other than Ashton who is now 21 and can legally drink in the states. 

"Bye Y/F/N." You say to your friend. All the couples walk off with their significant other. 

"So what now?" Mike asks. 

"Wanna walk around?" 

"Always." He puts his arm around your shoulder. Michael is your best friend but you can't deny you like him as more than a friend. You've been in love with this boy since before you even knew him. 

"So how has tour been so far?" you ask. 

"Amazing. I'm so pumped for the American leg." 

"We are too." you laugh. 

"How have you been? Like you good?" 

      Mikey is one of the only people who knows about your anxiety. Ever since you were little you struggled with accepting yourself. So you were always stressing out over everything. You were at one of your worst points when you met him. From that moment on things got better. He looked out for you. He took care of you. But he's been gone for three months and although you aren't terrible you aren't great either. 

"Um. Ok." 

"Just ok? You wanna talk about it?"

"Nah. It's stupid." 

"You're feelings aren't stupid Y/N. How you feel isn't stupid." 

"I don't know. It's just like. All the girls are in relationships and here I am alone. And I don't think I'll ever find anyone. Like I'm 17 and I've never had a boyfriend. 17! Like I get it. I don't want to be like married but, like I went to prom with my best friend who's gay. So. You feel me? On top of that Mar wants me to do some photoshoot for her class and like I said yes because, I wanna help her but, I don't like pictures of myself."

"Well let me come back to the first part. But Y/N you're beautiful."

"You're just saying that." You look down. 

"No. I'm not." He says pulling your head up with his callused fingers. "Y/N...."


"About the boyfriend thing. I was wondering. Well, all our friends are dating. So like I though maybe...like we...should date?" 

"You only wanna date me because, of our friends?" you say looking down again. 

"No no no. That came out wrong. Y/N, I've liked you before all the boys even started dating there other girls. I just. I couldn't tell you. The words wouldn't come out right. I actually wrote a song about it." 

"You wrote a song?" 

"Yeah. Wrapped Around Your Finger." 

"But, that was like...."

"A while ago. I know. Y/N, I love you." 

"Michael." You smile. You wrap your hands around his neck as his lips meet yours. 

"Well...I guess...I was wondering if maybe you wanted to be my girlfriend."

"Of course. I'd love that." You smile. 

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