Band Audition

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A/N it's 2011

"Alright Y/N." Luke says. "So you're a drummer?"

"Um...yeah." You laugh.

"Wait hold up you're (insert nationality here...unless your Australian in which case ignore this section)?"

"Yeah. My family moved about a year ago."

"That's so cool."

You play some stuff and impress the three boys your age. Michael the main guitarist as you presumed was eyeing you the whole time. You thought it was just him being extra picky for the audition.

You rocked the audition and they boys seemed to like you. Even though you were a girl but, they were willing to get over that.

"Alright thanks Y/N." Calum smiled. "We'll call you in a few days."

"Cool. Sounds good."

"Mike will walk you out and get your number so we can call you." Luke smiles. Michael has a weird look on his face. You can't tell if it's of annoyance or embarrassment.

"Cool." you repeat. The boy walks you out and you give him your number. Before you leave you say "Well nice meeting you. Peace out Clifford." You walk off down the street around the corner. A boy on his bike flys by you wearing a hideous purple shirt. Damn, some people just don't have fashion sense.

About three days later you get a call.

"Hey is this Y/N?"

"Yeah this is she."

"Hi it's Michael."

"Oh hey Mike."

"So um I kinda have some bad news."


"We decided to go with another drummer."


"I'm sorry. It's not that we didn't like you. You rocked but, we had this other guy come in. And we kinda know him and he made a little more sense. But you, by all means should not give up on drumming. You're great at it."

"Hahaha thanks. It's really ok. And I play guitar too so I don't really need to be in a band."

"Wow thats cool. A girl of many talents."

"God damnit Michael ask her you pussy." you hear in the background of the phone.

"Oh um Y/N....even though you're  not in the band I was wondering if maybe....."

"Maybe what.."

"Maybe you wanted to go out sometime. You're really talent and pretty and yeah."

"AW that's so sweet. Of course. Pick me up at 7."


"Yeah. We're going to a show."

"My mom is gonna have to drive."

"That's cool. I'm sure Mama Clifford is rad."

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