Chapter 14

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Sexual Content

Akaza's reincarnation self was adorable, especially with how he seemed to foam at the mouth when he would sneak a kiss or two to his Kotoha. Kotoha would blush and be equally cute when she would shyly return the affection, aiming for his cheek for the most part.

Koyuki, what he assumes is 'Hakuji's ' girlfriend, would do a rapid fire of questions, some directed to him, Kotoha, or both. When he did open his mouth, a smile stretched to it's limit that he almost forgets to hide his fangs, Akaza's jaw would tighten.

"I ran a shrine.' He purposely makes a downcast gaze to the floor. Selling his sob story with a frown and clenching of his fist. ' Sadly, a fire broke out when cabin fever became too much. Kotoha-chan and I got separated."

Kotoha had leaned on his shoulder then and he could hear the sniff of Koyuki.

Ah, he's definitely going to let her live.

Hakuji throws a glare at him once more before he leaves with Koyuki hugging Kotoha just a bit longer. The two take off for the evening and Douma can finally look over to his love.

She was looking down, a hand on her stomach. Douma watches her lip waver and he couldn't have her doubt.

Hakuji was huffing when they finally made it back to their apartment. Koyuki watches him pace, his fists shaking to the point where he goes to his punching bag he uses often to throw at least a series of ten punches and then two kicks.

He panted and started pacing again.

"Hakuji, what's wrong?" Koyuki continues watching as her love goes for another series before letting his head fall against the punching bag.

His eyes are closed as he tries to calm down but the twinkle in the bastard's eyes was too much. It also didn't help that he didn't seem unaffected by his assault. The pure fury that is rushing through him was like an inferno-

For some reason, his hand rushes to his neck, a heated sensation having come to it. Like a sunburn but it fades as breaths.

"I don't know....That.." He just sighs, sliding to the floor with his head still against the punching bag. Koyuki comes and rubs his back as he continues to cool off with her touch.

"Kotoha and Douma seem great for each other. Douma...doesn't seem like he would do anything to harm her." Hakuji looks at his fists, knowing what she is referring to.

That man had Hakuji landing in jail for the night after he beat him bloody upon finding what he had done to Kotoha. All of this happened before her time as an Idol.

That man made her doubt herself, making her feel worthless.

He'll give Douma credit for rushing to her when he could.

But he is willing to go to prison for years if he turns out like Kentaro. Maybe even kill the man with how much Kotoha loves him. The heartbreak may destroy her and leave her in a weaker mental state than before.

His teeth grind and shoulders tense as he remembers that son of a bitch. Yes, he usually doesn't insult women but that woman let her son act like he did and that made his blood boil.

Koyuki would sigh, moving and letting him let out his energy on the punching bag.

Kotoha was so delightful to have in her own bedroom. Where she was the most comfortable.

Though he doesn't want her to push herself, he does let her take her pleasure by using him as she pleases.

So here he was laying on his back as she lies across him and kisses him as his hands find her hips.

She is so wonderful to have.

His eyes open as she gasps out at the pleasure she feels and a purr comes to his throat. His colorful orbs glow in the darkness of the room and he slows his movements to allow her to catch her breath.

"My Kotoha-chan is beautiful. She is the best thing to happen to me." His words may be falling of deaf ears but he doesn't much care. As long as the universe heard.

Though his sinister thoughts are left for his mind to play around with. Thinking of situations that he could use some of his demonic powers on others.

He curls around his love that night, palm resting on her stomach, focused on the unborn life.

He would bring hell on earth if anyone brought her sorrow.

It had been a long day at work and he goes to the bar to drink. His eyes focus on the late news and nearly chokes on his beer when he sees Kotoha being held by another man.

A scowl forms on his face when he reads the captions below. Colorful eyes are revealed and are too damn disgusting to be taken seriously.

"I'm Kotoha's boyfriend." His rage was true and if he wasn't so exhausted may have thrown the mug he was drinking from. But no, he can't be wasting good beer like that.

Kentaro seethes the rest of the time, the vein on his forehead was constant as he scrolls through social media, his envy growing.

Some people were already calling them the 'OTP' couple of idol groups.

That had him almost smashing his phone into the wall.


Kotoha would finally get a full night's rest, familiar arms making her feel secure and loved.

Douma would yawn, snuggling into his songbird, drifting into sleep.

Not at all worried for he was the most powerful demon. A demon who was now going be a father and if he plays his cards right, maybe a husband soon.


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