Welcome to the Grandhotel

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There was something in the air. Maggie could feel it instantly. Like a storm lingering and growing, bevor it unleashes its chaotic powers. She wanted to run. To hide. But there was only one way down this mountain and it would lead to more trouble then what it was worth.

'Take a balloon!'

Maggie flinched back, as a grimace appiert infront of her face. The face of the pantomime was amateurish painted and she only looked at him coldly. 'No, thank you.' she replyed politely and made her way back to her parents, who seem to have not noticed any of it. Maggies mood sank deeper then the depths of the oceans as she tried to make sense of her current situation.

The path was traced by fog, lingering between the trees and plants. Which seemed like walls, trying to hinder any thought of escape. Though, all these happy people, following this path, seem too absorbt by the artists, cocktail stands and pantomimes, who handed out balloon animals, to notice it all.  Maggie hated this place already and she didn't even checked-In yet.

'Look, there it is!' Her dad was pointing in a direction and smiled brightly. The famouse Grandhotel Ravenfield slowly emorged infront of them. Well at least, if one could trust what her dad has told them. The Hotel itself seemed to have looked for the coldest and most lonliest place there is in this world, to sattle down and open business. Successfully. The only way up this mountain was a ropeway, which had seen better days and obviously, it was the only way down as well. Who would ever want to visit such a place? Maggies dad. He and her mum, where smiling with a glass of hot mulled wine in there hands, someone has given them these as a welcome. Did she got any? No. of course not. There was a movment in the corner of her eye, but as maggie turned her head, there was nothing to be seen.

'What a breathtaking place this is!' his eyes seem to sparkle as he took in the view. 'Indeed it is, my dear.' Her mother replyed, snuggling up on him. Both seem too excited to stay in a Hotel that was closed for a hundred years. The only reason this could happen was, because some ideot of an investor from a different country, thought it would be a splended idea, to reopen this hotel and bringing it back to its former glory. After a hundred years. Maggie shook her head, it only opened a couple months ago and she had to stay her for a couple of days instead of being at home, with her friends. What a great vacation.

Something seemed different, all of a sudden. Maggie turned around to discover what it was. She felt watched and then she saw it. An odd looking pantomime grind at her, pointing a finger up to the hotel. Maggies eyes slowly followed the direction, with a gloomy hunch setteling into her bones. She began to clime the hotelwalls with her eyes, over the windows, the roof, following a tower. Higher and higher, brushing a woman in a thin white gown. More windows, chimneys....


Her eyes suddenly went back to the window with the woman. This could not be true, she must have imagend it. But there she was, standing still, looking down at them. Maggie tried to blink a couple of times, to make sure she wasn't mistaking. But she was not. And then the woman was falling. The time seemed to slow down. The music and the voices of the other guests became only echos, as if they came from the bottom of the mounten. Maggie thougth, she could hear the dress flutter in the wind and feel the eyes of the women, looking at her. She didn't know how, but the woman started to change. Her face became hollow, her body twisted and her dress seemed to decay. All of it happened, it seemed, at once and even though this woman was still far away, Maggie could see it all. She screamed.

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