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Well here it goes.

I'm 21 years old and have an amazing career doing what I love and trying as much as I can to have a normal life. It's not always easy though. Not only because I'm in the biggest boy band in the world, bit also because I'm not exactly.... Normal.

I'm actually a werewolf and have been for almost 5 years now. I turned when I was out one night, with my best bud Lance. We were headed toward an alley when we were suddenly knocked out. As I started to gain conscience again I realized I was trapped in a dark room. There were no windows or vents or anything for me to escape, except a door. I instinctively ran to the door and tried to open the door with all my might. But it was no use, I couldn't get through a locked door.

I started sobbing thinking about never seeing the ones I loved anymore. When the door opening snapped me out of my thoughts. It was an older lady looked around in her 30's.

"So you're finally up." She said with a smirk.

"Why am I here?" I said almost immediately.

"Because I need you." I gave her a confused look. "I need you to be apart of my pack and fight against my opponents."

I was about to ask what the hell she was talking about, when I was knocked out again.

This time I woke up in my room. At first I thought everything was just a dream. I then saw a line of cuts on my arms. I just shook it off thinking it was just from when I was sleeping.

Later that night I went up to the park and just laid down on the grass looking up at the nights sky. It was beautiful. Suddenly the cloud delayed and the full moon was more visible. Just as I was getting up I felt a burning sensation all through my body. I fell to my knees and ripped my shirt trying to ease the pain. I then gripped my arms and felt more hair than usually and looked down seeing hair all over my body. I then felt my face feeling hairs there as well.

I was rolling around grunting in pain. I let out a loud howl. Not knowing where that came from. I started to worry real bad. What was happening to me. I then stood on all fours and had fully transformed Into a wolf.

All the next days I was wondering how that happened until everything finally sinking in. When I was kidnapped that last must of been a werewolf and turned me into one thinking I'd take part on her "pack".

I've grown used it and find it sort of fun being a werewolf. Since the day I found out ive been wanting to tell my best friend Camila all about the adventures I go on and everything I go through. But knowing it would just put her in danger, I just kept it to myself. Which meant I could never hang out with her when there was a full moon or when I was aggravated cause I knew if I was to turn I would end up hurting her. The only ones who know about me is the boys Harry, Liam,and Louis.

Oh did I mention that I'm in love with my best friend. Actually i have been for the past 10 years. I just don't think she feels the same toward me so I didn't tell her. Not only that but also I didn't know I felt letting her date a monster. So I just kept my feelings to myself. The boys also know about my feelings toward Camila, and always tell me how stupid I am not telling her about me or my feelings. But im not letting her get hurt no matter what.

Get ready to ride the rollercoaster called my life.

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