Chapter 1

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this story that you are about to read is really special to me, not because this is the first story i wrote, cause it's not, nor is it the last story i will write. but because this is who i am, this story comes form the hart. i know that sounds lame, but what you are about to read is true, people like Bella did exists in the world. i am going to give you a fact every chapter. i bet you are wounding what you are going to read. you will be reading about a girl named Bella, who has dyslexia, and see life though her eyes. DONT JUGE.

FACT: 1 out of 5 people are dyslexic

Chapter 1

introducing Bella

If you were to ask a stranger they were say I look normal, I act

normal, and most people they would say I am normal. Thats not the truth;

I have a disability. Now, if you don't know what a disability is, then here it

is. Dis meaning NOT and ability meaning can do, so I had something I con't

do. So now you are thinking, well i cant do stuff either, well that is true, but

I cant read. I have trouble reading, and am in 6th grade. People in my class

make fun of me because I can't read, so I am tantalized, laughed at, and

judged, all because of how my brain works. I want you to think right now,

what would you do, would you laugh at me too, or would you help me? Be

honest with yourself, because lying to yourself is much worse then lying to

a friend. Back to the story. I didn't know what to do.

I have long goodish hair, and blue eyes.




just some of the things I was told about myself. I believe every world they

said, I know I am dyslexic, I know they were right, I know i am stupid. I

knew i can't read, and I believe every single word that they said. My

parents didn't know how to help me, they weren't dyslexic, they didn't

know what I needed, and I would never talk, I was afraid to talk. Afraid I

would be judged if i said my own opinion

On one nice warm Monday during history I dazed off into a flash back,

a flash back that changed how I thought of myself.

"why are you so stupid" a boy named Jo asked. she turned around

and answered him.

"Because i'm dyslexic, but I'm not stupid i just lean differently" I said

sounding proudly. Jo's face got worried like he forgot to study for his

history final.

"are- are they going to cure you" I looked at him confused.

"it's in the brain, you cant cure it", I said for once sounding smart. He

Dyslexia though my own eyesWhere stories live. Discover now