After the bombing

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James opened his eyes slowly. He couldn't see much, and his eyes were still adjusting to the smoky place that he could not recognise. He could feel a throbbing pain in his forehead and his mouth tasted of blood. He looked down at what he could see of the ash covered ground and saw blood trickling out of his forehead and his mouth. James didn't bother to get up. He just closed his eyes and breathed heavily. He could smell fire and smoke. The horrible smell clogged up his nose, which forced him to sit up and blow his nose. After that, he just sat their in a daze for a moment. A few seconds later, a sudden thought popped into James's head. 'Where are my parents?' Thought James curiously. Then he remembered the explosion. He remembered the fiery hole. And he remembered the ships. He stood and screamed. He sprinted to his house as fast as he could and threw open what was left of his front door. He rushed up the singed staircase and blasted open the door to his parents bedroom. What he saw next made him want to throw up. On his parents bed was 2 fiery corpses, skulls showing and flesh burning. James staggered over to their bed and screamed with anger and sadness, but mostly sadness. He leaned over onto their mattress and sobbed his eyes out. After about half an hour of crying, he lifted his head and stared at his parents with his red-rimmed eyes. He could only describe them in one word. Dead. He swore vengeance against whoever or whatever did this to his mother and father. After another minute of crying, he said goodbye to his parents for the last time and then walked out of the front door, and into the ruins of the city.

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