Every hetalia fic ever

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IIt was a normal world meeting at the world meeting place (lol rlo lazy to look it up XD)

All the counties where arguingg about npn important stuff while germant was yelling at everyone ta shut up. "Veee~~~~ I <3 pastaaaaaa!~~~~" Siad Italy , while waving his hand in thh airMeanwhile america was beigs totes hots "IM THE HERO!!11!11" while a eatibg a trollion hamburgers. "Shut up u git!" Yelled England (buttt we all know he ws being a tsune tsune LILZZZZ) "ohonhonhon~" France creepily laughed (omg qat a rapear hater rrting to stop USUK loooooolllllll) but then russer stopped him by hitting him with his pipe but hss so creeps. "U 1v1 me m8???? I'll fvcking rekt u" France said. "Bribg it on noob ill f3cking 360 n0sc0pe you man slvt" Russia said back but was chased off bt Belarus screaming, "marry me marry me marry me!!!11!" Crreeps omgzzz "..." Said japow as he sat gher being all hawtz and kawaiizzz. Greece was therd with hiz cats and turkey wasn't therc cuz no1 liek him cuz he was mean to lil romanoo. China begAn to talk to Japan, "Aru aru aru aru aru aru aru hi aru aru aru aru aruhelpmearu aru aru aru aru aru.." Which wss sooo cute. The other aieuans where there but were silent xyz so hard to wirteeee lolllllll. Spain than saidd to Romani "Yourr as red as a tomato!11!" "Shut the *************************************************************************************************************************************************** you fuc************************************* go awat!" Romano same vut spain was pido anywayy

"Hey I'm the awesomely awesome man who ever graced his awesomeness on this non awesome planet! IM AWESOME!" Prussia exclaimed. Canada bluched cuz hes kawaiii. "Look at me whos awesome and awesibwly here!!1!"Prussia said again awesomely. Hungary was there and suddenly got a noseblood when Austria started to play piano so perf. She fainted vyt the toehrs thrw her away. "Liek liet I look so FABOLOUS in this!1" polood twirled in a pink derss. The baltics where there but didn't say anything cuz Russia was there and was scary! Ice and Norway where all like ... And Denmark was being stupid cause he is lol

"H'd'k'w'm'f'b?" Asked Sweden who was death glaring everyone lol. "Haha yers dear!" Finland is so kaWAII DESUU~~~~~

Netherlands wasn't there cuz he voted and Ukraine and belgiummmp and seycheles who where all thrown away cauz they stooped the yaoizzzz~ and the othes ones no1 cars bout.

Hen Russia pooped up with a scary aura (lol all the counryoed where girls cuz of Iggy's spell but not anymiar) and said "kolkolkolkolhelpmepleasekolkolkolkol I will kill ypi all da?" And then SUDDENYL 2PS STARTED TK ATTACK RHEM! The 2ps where physco and killed almody all the natiobs! Sone where keying cuz they're loves wherr dead cause if the dumb 2pssssssssss.

And then the door vurst open and a beautiful yerr shy voice said " I Am pandora maria anetaisia daenerys targarhen Paris new York London mooncat dragon hybrid dreamwatcher sue!" And every1 wuved her and stopped fighting to look st her and cos she has epuc powors. "I am amery-kuns and iggy-kuns daughter and rimsnos sister and rusdis friend and chinas BFF and a earth guardiwn!" She aid beautifully. "My parents died but they were human so Iggy and alfry rook my in and I represent startallis and am immotalaaaa and have all known powers too". Then she made the 2ps go away and sang a song to bring back the dead and opened her violent eyes and wavy pinkk hair and neko ears shown with her super cute dress and crown. Then she made eussa go away and sent away the badropcg trio coz dey wer pervs.

And evety1 lived her and they lived happily ever-_


*smashes phone and sets it on fire*

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