I Need you (KotLC - Tam's POV)

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Tam's POV -

Staring at the ceiling, Tam lied in bed, questions buzzed in his mind so loud, they couldn't be ignored: Why had he chosen her over Linh? Why had he chosen the one who placed the bonds on his wrists over his own sister? Why did he even have to choose in the first place? Uhg, why am I even thinking about this? I should be getting some sleep.

Hours later, he sat up. So much for getting sleep. Getting out of bed, he leaned his forehead against the wall and closed his eyes. I didn't mean to choose, and I was only doing what I thought Linh would do; stand up for a friend. Something about the word friend felt wrong, but he brushed it off.

Opening his eyes he saw his twin, cast on the wall by the shadows. He smiled a little, he hadn't meant to make a shadow Linh, but his powers had taken over and made her for him. Sitting back on his bed, Tam stared at the figure his shadows had made. Stared at the form of the one he longed to see more than anything.

"I miss you," he said. "And I'm sorry. I still love you." Tam's voice cracked, and hugging his knees to his chest, he buried his face in them, "It's just, you weren't alone any more, and she was; I couldn't leave her like that. But I never thought I was choosing her over you. I love you, Linh, and I miss you." Finally, he broke down, letting the waterfall of tears fly loose. When the flow had ebbed to a small stream, he stared once more at the shadow Linh plastered on the wall. "Linh," he whispered, "Come back, I need you."

Hope you enjoyed ☺️

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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