🪭✨30 This shouldn't have happened!

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Anya sat in the dimly lit chamber the bright sunlight was covered up as the family had barely gotten any sleep the last day Veena her royal maid had ensured of this, her heart racing with a mixture of relief and anxiety. The words from Royal spy Devdutt had shattered the grief that had enveloped her upon hearing of Prince Nayan's supposed death. Her fiancé was alive, albeit in critical condition. She clung to that glimmer of hope, her thoughts drifting to the innocent life ,  Nayan's survival who was hurt in as the effects of war.

Beside her, Indu, sensed the tumult of emotions in Anya. She embraced her sister gently, understanding the weight of the decisions that had been made. "Shhh, don't worry about me," Indu murmured, her voice a soothing balm in the tense atmosphere. "This is what even you would have done if an alliance saves our family. So be it."

Anya smiled, her heart swelling with pride as she watched her little sister, Indu, grow into someone capable of saving her. It wasn't every day that the roles reversed, and the younger sibling became the protector. Anya nodded silently, grateful for Indu's unwavering support. Their family had endured many moments of uncertainty and peril in the past few days, navigating the treacherous waters of court politics and rival kingdoms. The alliance brokered between their father and the Prince of Virata, had brought both relief and new challenges, adding another layer of complexity to their lives.

The past week had been a whirlwind of clandestine meetings, hushed conversations in shadowy corridors, and the constant fear of betrayal. Virata was a nest of vipers, each noble with their own agenda, and Anya was somehow feeling like a pawn in their dangerous game as if they had hidden something from her, something was missed by her. Yet, through it all, Indu had been a beacon of strength, her determination unshaken even in the face of overwhelming odds.

Now, as they stood on the castle's grand balcony, the cool breeze carrying the scent of blooming jasmine, Anya's thoughts were momentarily at peace. The sight of Arjun and Aditya Singh, now released by Prince of Virata following the signing of the treaty, served as a poignant reminder of the delicate balance they had achieved.

Anya's mind wandered to the sacrifices made and the mental battles fought, both within the palace walls and on the blood-stained fields beyond. The alliance had demanded not just political maneuvering but also personal sacrifices, and the cost of peace had been high. As she looked at Indu, Anya realized that their journey was far from over. The road ahead would be fraught with new dangers and unexpected turns, but for now, in this fleeting moment of calm, she allowed herself to hope watching Indu smile had been enough for now.

Devdutt came near the princesses, his eyes reflecting a mixture of weariness, approached Anya and Indu. "Princess Anya," he began, his tone respectful yet tinged with concern, "I don’t know how to decipher this but I have seen with my own eyes Prince Ivaan has spared no effort in ensuring Prince Nayan receives the best care. There is hope."

Anya managed a small smile, touched by Devdutt's earnestness. "Thank you, Uncle. Your words give us strength."

The grand halls of the palace echoed with whispers, their marble floors cool against the maids hurried footsteps. Veena, regal and poised, swept into the room, her brown and golden robes trailing behind her. “Princess,” she said, her voice a velvet murmur, “The Queen Your mother returns, and with her, Bhoomi—the second daughter of Rana will be arriving soon, it seem the news has reached them drawn by news of Aditya Singh and Arjun’s injuries. Our attempts to conceal the truth have failed; a mother knows her children’s pain, even when veiled in silence.”

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