I'm Amber and I'm a Cupid

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Everything went pitch black and she felt herself falling down but she can't do anything to prevent it. She was asking for the heavens to help her, save her from the fall she can't escape but there was no one who came to help her.

She felt the air hitting her back and the speed of her fall getting faster and faster. Memories of her million year life flashed back to her mind, how she successfully matched two souls and how she mistakenly shot her arrows. It's fast, scary and dark.

Hey there buddy, it's work time. You might not want to be scolded big time

There's a male voice she couldn't recognize, a new feeling, a new experience. She tried opening her eyes up but it's heavy, she needs to get up, she needs to prevent herself from the fall.

Hey newbie... get up or I'll throw you a cold bucket of water.

Water... cold... what is that? Of course she knows them but she never experienced how those feel, water is the transparent liquid she always see humans drink and cold... her mother once told her what that feels and it makes you shiver... how was it? How was...

"Oh shit!"

Amber jerked up and saw herself breathing so hard while standing on a soft square thing.

"What is this?" for millions of years she lived talking through her head, doing things with a snap of a finger and feeling only one kind of thing and it's pain.

Pain when she falls, when she hits anything because of her own clumsiness, pain when the string of her arrow snaps at her and pain whenever she sees her pairs got their relationship in a mess. But this time, she started feeling something different things and it confused her.

"Woah there handsome, you really need to change. The Jung will be leaving in two hours"

"What change?" Amber looked at her outfit and she's still wearing her old clothes.

So I didn't fall... I just what? Turned into a human? Humans never see her, cannot feel her or even sense her presence ever but now she's actually talking to a human who wears a cap and he's a guy.

"I'm a human, oh my god I'm a human!" She jumped up and down with no specific direction until she fell down from the bed hitting her butt first.

What the hell is wrong with this girl?

Opposite her, the guy almost wanted to question whoever brought her there if she/he made a deep pre - qualification to this almost handsome but crazy girl.

"Ouch... so what should I do now?" Amber sat up and rested both of her shoulders on the bed, enjoying the new sensation.

"Seriously? Are you fit for the job?"

"Job? What Job?"

"What? Didn't Victoria noona told you what your job here is?"

"Victoria? Who is she?"

"Seriously?" The guy scratched his head in frustration and dragged Amber towards the quarters where the organizational chart of the employees were placed. There he pointed out a beautiful girl in her near 30's at the top indicating the head of them all. Amber squinted her eyes and then turn wide after she recognized who it was.

"That's not Victoria!, Her name is Venus and she's my mother" She exclaimed, making the other raise a brow following a smack on her head.

"Victoria noona served the Jung's for years now kid, she can't but your mom"

"But, But..."

"Your uniform is on locker number 21, go get yourself changed and we'll talk... Aish"

"What's your name anyway?"

"I'm Jackson, the driver. And you?"

"I'm Amber, the cupid. Nice meeting you"

"Cupid?" Jackson laughed out loud at the statement of the new crew. Damn, he just saw how weird this girl is and now she's saying she's a cupid. What more can she offer?

"What? You don't believe me? I have my bow and arrow here" Amber snapped her fingers repeatedly which she usually do for her arrow to appear but she it didn't work. Her brows scrunched while Jackson still tried to suppress a laugh.

"Oh come on dude, childish dreams are over. Now go change" Jackson pushed her back to get her moving and after she disappeared from his sight she punched the wall while laughing, tears started forming in his eyes because of the hilarious stuff he just saw.

My bow is gone, my arrow is gone. What happened? Why am I suddenly incapacitated? Why is Venus here too... what the hell is happening?

She scanned through the numbers and saw her own locker. Opening it, a plain black suit awaited her and a folder below it. She scanned the pieces of paper and she saw her profile:

Name: Amber Liu

Age: 23

Occupation: Personal Assistant

Personal Assistant? Are those the one who carry things of scary people who look like mighty people? Those who run back and forth just to get what was told to them...

But I want to be a badass mafia leader

She pouted and sadly took her uniform out to change, good thing she observed how humans dress up and change...

Humans usually take everything off and replace it with another set so I just need to remove these...

She started lifting her shirt up when a scream echoed inside the room, she looked back and saw a petite girl covering her eyes.

"Why are you shouting?" Amber asked, still holding her shirt half way.

"You're going naked! Go to the men's room!" She looked at her confused, releasing her shirt down and walked towards her, removing the hands on her face as she did so.

"I have breasts, I'm a girl and my name is Amber"

"Go to the restroom please, it's too un hygienic"

"You didn't tell me your name"

"I'm Jessica, Now go!"

Amber laughed at her and went to some direction while Jessica just glared at her back, irritated at what she just experienced with the weird newcomer.

"Excuse me, where's the bathroom?" Amber's head popped out from the door, making her more irritated than before.

"What are you? A kid?"

"I'm a cupid. But Jackson doesn't believe me"

"What? Cupid?" Jessica laughed so hard with a touch of insult. She really find this tomboy weird and now delusional.

"You don't believe me too?"

"Who the hell will be a cupid you stupid. Quit with your delusions and change, you might not want the madam to be frustrated you know"

"Yeah right, I'm a dog"

They both forgot Amber's question and the latter walked around finding that room where she usually see humans changing.

White background, and curtains...

She stopped by her tracks when she saw a white room along the hallway, it seems huge compared to the normal rest rooms she saw but still it is like the place where humans change. Entering inside, she scanned the place and noticed how big it was for one person to use but it didn't matter.

Dropping her new clothes to the ground Amber resumed her changing that was interrupted earlier, she was just about to lift her shirt up when she heard a voice just behind her.

"Who are you?" It was cold, scary and hints danger. she turned her head back and introduced herself.

"I'm Amber and I'm a cupid"

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