Chapter 1: A Cold Reality

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Reece - P.O.V. (His wolf form above!!)

Nothing would ever be the same, if only I had known. Then I would've never have tempted fate, but it's too late.


The skies were in a cloud of grey, and the land cloaked in white. It's my sixteenth winter, and I'm right back at the spot where it all started. The borderlands, a strip of barren ice and snow between the Woodlands and Mountain Range packs.

As I sat there in the snow, lost to my thoughts, invisible to the world a huge body of fur rammed into my side.

We tumbled and rolled around in the snow, nipping and yipping as we landed in a heap of bodies. Mason. His wild red hair in a matted mess and his eyes a smoldering blue. His bright eyes which contradict with his somewhat tan-olive skin search my own grey eyes.

He'd somehow managed to pin me with his hands on my forearms. His strong chiseled chin sporting an all too familiar smirk. His pale pink lips slowly contort, as his face becomes serious as it hovers just above my own.

I stare blankly at him for a moment as I shake off his hold and push his face away. Now sporting my own lavish grin, I flip us over so I'm straddling his abdomen.

I shift my gaze from him to the woods ahead. It's strange really, in most cases pretty much everyone would be embarrassed by the current situation.

I mean here I am stetting atop another man's thighs, naked as the day I was born. And yet it's pretty normal.

I feel his hand on my hip as he wiggles underneath me, "You know I could get used to this.." A laugh erupts from my stomach as I look down at my closest friend, but I go quiet as I see his golden eyes staring up at me.

I remove his hand as I get up, "Oh, please. Like I would ever....." He turns on his side as he watches me shift, "You know you'd like it...." I raised my tail and curved then end as I purposely swayed my hips as I walked, looking back over my shoulder.

Earning me in turn a loud purring rumble of his chest. I decided to stop before I regretted it, but couldn't stop it as a large reddish-orange wolf pounced on me, yet again.

As we scuffled and wrestled around again, he ended up sprawled out across the ground. As I sat, still in form, staring into the dark forrest.

He continued on conversing, blabbing on about an array of topics. As I sat there eyes locked ahead, only putting in my two cents when need-be.

He stopped short of his current sentence, something about the coronation in a week and got surprisingly quiet. "You know... You're in the exact same spot, as when we found you........" My gaze dropped as my shoulder blades drooped, ears pinned back as I curled in on myself.

I could feel his heart drop from his chest and shatter as mine did. "Come on, we better get back... My parents would kill us if they knew we were out here." He didn't apologize. And he didn't have to, I mean don't get me wrong.

He just knew I hated them. They made me feel weaker than I already felt.

It's stupid really. My life ended that night, and began anew. I don't remember anything from before.

Nothing. Nothing but this spot in the snow.

I came back here every year, to this very spot. I had hoped that if I came back, then that something would happen. Something would change, or I would find what I was blindly looking for. A memory, a sign. Anything.

Heck, I don't even know my real age. Nor who I am, or who I was supposed to be. I figured that I would somehow solve the mystery which is my life.

As I got up to follow his lead, something in me clicked. What was beyond the tree line? The "Fated Druids". Or just an empty myth. I looked up to him and used our mind link, Don't you want to know if the stories are true? Or if they're just that, stories? Stories to scare young pups into behaving....

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