Noticed (ch. 1)

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Your name is Raven Distrutto. You are a 14 year old girl who never thought you would amount to anything. You knew this like the back of your hand. You accepted it, embraced it. Long story short, you were depressed. That was easy to see. You were the classic "emo" or at least that's what everyone at school called you. Yeah you had friends but they had other better friends who they preferred over you. You were slowly fading, disappearing, and no one was noticing.

That's when you decided that you might as well hurry the process along. You destroyed yourself. In a thousand different ways you hurt your skin, mind, and soul. You kept your grades up so no one noticed your fading. You felt the pain of self harm less and less and felt the pain of self hate more and more. You have millions of scars. At least a thousand on your arms, ten thousand on your thighs, and a hundred thousand in different places. You felt the disappearance speed up. You stopped eating. More disappearance. You were almost gone.

You memorized every single detail about your life. The good, the bad, and the worst. How you got an A- on a test, how your mind could only think about the two questions you missed, and how your mother was on the side of your mind, telling you, "You can do better."

You stared from the corner of the classroom, in your seat, memorizing. The way your teacher would look worriedly in your direction, but never acted any different; how you could move out of the way of every piece of the skin of your classmates and go unnoticed, as if your presence was a ghost, as if you were already dead. You caught sight of one of your "friends" out of the corner of your eye. They were writing something on a piece of paper when they put their utensil down. It started rolling towards the edge of their desk as they turned to talk to your other "friend" and completely ignored the pen. You could now identify with a pen. You watched as it slowly edged closer and closer to the cliff of the desk. They turned slightly, just enough to catch sight of the fleeing pen. They caught it just as it was less than an inch away from the edge. You sat back in your seat, thinking. What if someone caught you right before you fell. You wished with all your being that they would. Whoever it was, just someone to save you from insanity.

You just want someone, anyone, to notice your problems, notice your fading, notice your self destruction. You just want someone to notice you.


Ok yeah it sounds weird but just bear with me it gets better I'm gonna try to update this one better than my other one but knowing me I'll just forget.

Ok see you guys. Stay safe!

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