This kid (ch. 2)

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He walked in to the classroom as if he were a shadow. Some people noticed, most didn't, but I did. I noticed everything that happened, for those who thought they never would get noticed. No one deserves to experience what I went through.

He was beautiful. You wished for him to notice you, then remembered the impossibility of that. Why would he care about a girl that had nothing left of her? He had black hair that was made of waves and lines. He was pale, as if the sun never touched his skin. He had dark eyes and intense features. He wore a dark brown aviators jacket, a black t-shirt with a skull design, and a pair of black skinny jeans. The sound made from his black shoes was that of a whisper. He drifted from the front of the room to the back of the room with less than a glance in his direction. He didn't want to be noticed either. He locked eyes with you and you turned away, playing it off as a flip of your hair. You felt yourself blush, this was the first time someone had looked you in the eyes in the past month.

You felt something burst inside you. A warm feeling blossom in the pit of your stomach. Someone had noticed you. No. Never mind. He simply glanced in your direction. He probably just wanted to look at something behind you. But you felt like he really did notice you. No matter how much you tried to suppress this feeling of completion, you simply couldn't. You told yourself no, but another part of you went behind your back and whispered the possibility of someone noticing you in your ear. You studied the desk and its features that you had memorized awhile ago.

You heard a faint rustling behind you and felt a presence. You whipped your head in the direction of the shift in the air and stared at what should've been an empty desk next to yours. What was in its place surprised you greatly. He was sitting next to you. He had removed his jacket and hung it over the metal rod that ran between the desk and the chair. That explained the rustling you heard. It should've been much louder but he knew how to be quiet, go unnoticed. He was just like you, and he was currently sitting next to you, gazing at you as you gazed back. You gathered information about him before it became awkward. He had dark purple bags under his dark eyes. Freckles were dusted across his nose and he had a blank expression masked over his features.

You had no idea how long you had been staring before he blinked and averted his gaze, but it was long enough for him to start blushing because of it. Your face grew hot from the eye contact and you returned to the study of your desk. The more you thought about what you just did, the weirder you realized it was. You grew more and more embarrassed as time went one. You had stared at him and he probably hates you now. Great. The one chance you had for someone to save you, and you blew it.

The tap on your shoulder pulled you back into reality. You lifted your head and your bangs fell into your eyes. You could still see through them, but they were annoying so you decided they had to be moved. You heard something in the background and it hit you; he was trying to talk to you. You were too focused on your bangs to listen. He was probably already done talking. You hurriedly removed the annoying wisps of hair from your eyesight and frantically searched for the source of the sound, in hopes that he was still willing to talk to you.

"I'm so sorry, what did you say?" I questioned. Hopefully he was still available for conversation, he was the first to talk to you in months. He had finished his statement, but he seemed ready to repeat himself, so you didn't feel as bad when you asked him to do so.

"Are you Raven?" He asked. Your heart fluttered as he spoke. He spoke quietly, as if he was trying not to be heard by anyone, not even you. He knew your name, did that mean something, anything? Maybe he heard people whispering behind your back.

"Yeah, why?" You questioned. He didn't have a reason to talk to you unless he was told to.

"I'm your shadow for the day," (shadow- someone who follows you to your classes to check out the school idk if they have that elsewhere) he replied, with more confidence than before but still quite quiet. It was a little funny because of how much he reminded you of an actual shadow. He was dark and barely noticed by anyone.

You were in disbelief. All your 'friends' had received a shadow at least once during the school year; all except for you. Finally, you had the chance to show someone the school from your point of view. This also meant you would have to talk for most of the day, explaining how this hell of a place worked. You were never that great at getting the words out, but you could eventually. You couldn't decide whether it was a good thing or not. There was an attractive stranger being forced to stick with you for the whole day. This was almost exactly like a fanfiction. However, you had to talk and touch and do things that had become uncomfortable for you to do within the past couple of months. Did the good outweigh the bad? Or did the bad outweigh the good? You couldn't tell.

"Are you ok?" You heard from within your daydream bubble. Oh crap. How long had you been thinking? A few seconds? Five minutes? This did mean that he at least wasn't too scared or uncaring enough to not worry about you. Maybe he would be the one to catch you. Maybe he would save you from yourself.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired," I lied. This was my default response for anything. I've said those words more times than I can count. You shook your head slightly a if you were shaking off the exhaustion that you didn't have, looking him in the eyes and plastering the most convincing smile you could muster on top of the expression that you rarely had. This was all very familiar to you, having done it a million times before. You watched as he believed you. He stopped worrying and believed you. Maybe he wasn't going to save you. He was simply another bystander, watching as you died.

You looked away and began studying the desk once again, thinking. You recalled how he slipped into the classroom, saw your classmates, but when he locked onto you, he seemed to be excited. As if you were the highlight of his day. As if he seemed genuinely interested in you. You got your hopes up again and looked over at him to see if he was asking you something you were missing.


Slight cliffhanger? Maybe? Nah but this chapter ended on exactly 1200 words I'm so satisfied right now. Idk.

Anyways stay safe!

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